Finals week is a time of total depression and utter stress; even know as I am writing this, I'm exhausted and have 20 million other things to be obsessing and panicking over (thanks, Odyssey) (kidding). I just found out I have a huge Shakespeare paper due Thursday, all my finals are projected to be impossible, and sleep is going to be an elusive wench this miserable studying season. But, there is light at the end of this coffee-stained tunnel-- there is plenty to be thankful for, and here are few grudging reminders from a red-eyed, sleep-deprived girly:
1. Christmas is literally so soon
2. Dogs exist
You'll see your puppy soon. Or, if you don't have one, go see another puppy. Just be glad they exist.
3. Finals WILL be over soon
All misery MUST come to an end, it's physics. Or something, I haven't started studying for that yet.
4. Home is but a moment away
You'll be home in like two seconds and then this mind-numbing misery will be but a distant memory.
5. You are lucky to be alive
Every breath you take is an absolute gift. The sky, the air, the shoes on your feet – you're alive. Love it. Cherish it. If right now sucks, you are still a member of this planet, and it's a great place to be.
You're healthy enough to be in school and take finals. Love that freedom. Love that your legs move. Gratitude is a soul-moving force and will propel you to greatness.
7. Good music is a thing
Bob Dylan. Led Zeppelin. Bruno MARS. FETTY WAP. Play it all. Get through it.
8. Coffee is the gift that keeps on giving
Coffee is a legal drug to help you survive finals and basically all aspects of life. Never take it for granted, and if you can get your hands on some Goya Puerto Rican goods, love it and the strength of it. Red-eyes are entry ways to decent grades. Or maybe just wildly unhealthy. Either way, coffee is the key.
9. You can sleep all of Christmas break and potentially never have to get up
Imagine your bed on Christmas break. So beautiful. So comfy. So crisp with your love. Once you're on break, you basically never have to leave. Pure magic.
10. No one cares what you look like during finals, so, look disgusting
Sweatpants, baby, and gray outfits galore. No, I haven't washed my hair. Yes, I look fabulously disgusting and real. No one judges the strong.