Weight gain, loss of sleep, going broke, partying.
College is not always known to produce the best versions of people. In some manners, I agree. I wasn't immune to the weight gain and loss of sleep. My money is dwindling everyday and though the party scene has never been my preferred place to spend time, it doesn't mean I'm not constantly surrounded by it living near a college campus. On the flip side of all this, becoming my own person has had some positive affects on me; ten to be exact.
1. Drinking black coffee.
That's right folks. I've gone black. This is a recent development, so some days I meander on back to my weaker times and add a splash of cream or two, but it's rare.
2. Letter writing.
Considering I've been so many friends in college who happen to be from different states, I've gotten creative in the ways I catch up with them. And there is no greater joy than receiving a letter back in the mail. I promise.
3. Baseball caps.
Gorgeous hair all day every day is just not a thing in college. Thank goodness I discovered the joy of baseball caps.
4. Drinking LOTS of water.
More energy. Better skin. Feeling healthy. Avoiding sickness. There are so many benefits to drinking water. (With the small inconvenience of having to pee literally all the time.)
5. Thrifting for everything.
It's a funny thing how the less money you have, the cheaper and cheaper you seem to be able to find things for. It has become second-nature to head straight to Goodwill when I am in need of things.
6. Journaling.
This may be more enjoyable for me considering I am a journalism major, but my words have eaten up notebook after notebook since college began. It's become a therapeutic habit to vent via jouranling
7. Couponing.
I'm a dweeb. I use coupons. I save money. Now get over it.
8. Cooking for one.
Not to brag, but I've learned the art of making myself meals. And not just sandwiches and cereal, we're talking real meals.
9. Morning music.
I discovered that music in the morning - the right kind - can really lift my spirits and prepare me for a busy school day. It's is now incorporated into my everyday morning routine.
10. Drinking tea.
Yes, I may need honey to actually enjoy my tea, but at least I can tolerate it. That's step one at least!