The new year is inching up on us, but also, if you're like me, your last semester of college has been creeping up on you too.
Now don't get me wrong, I have no idea what the best things to do during your last semester of college are, but I've been building up goals I want to accomplish and things I want to focus on these last few months of school.
1. Actually pay attention in class. Soak all of that knowledge in.
We all have those days where we're tired and grumpy and we're staring at the white board with emotionless faces, but this semester, let's try to soak in all the knowledge we possibly can. We paid a lot of money for this education, cherish what your professors want to say.
2. Really buckle down on those online portfolios, LinkedIn profiles or any online presence you have that can help you in the future.
Your online presence is crucial now. Make sure everything is clean, professional and unique to you!
3. Network. Internships. Job fairs. Go and do all.
We're getting close to walking into the real world, and the more people you know, the easier it's supposed to be (at least, that's what I've heard).
4. Perfect your resumes and cover letters.
You're going to be handing these out a lot, so you might as well make sure it's completely perfect.
5. Build a good sleeping pattern for yourself.
Not going to lie, my sleeping pattern is all over the place, but the adult thing to do would be to nail down a good sleeping pattern. It would be really wise to adopt a pattern that has me get up early in the morning and be prepared for the day.
6. Probably, budget.
Totally an adult thing to be doing! I've been using an app called Mint to watch over what I spend money on. This semester it's important for me to watch what I spend money on and learn how to spend my money extremely wisely this semester. Money's important, and totally adult.
7. Figure out a diet plan that works best for your life.
Ugh. Let's be honest. Our metabolism is slowing down, and we really need to focus on our health and keeping our bodies strong. It's time to learn a great diet plan to keep us young. Ew, I know.
8. Spend time with your college friends.
Now that picture looks nothing like your college friends, I'm sure. However, make sure you cherish the moments with your college friends. Graduating doesn't mean you seperate forever, but for only a semester longer you will be on the same campus with them. Make sure you really enjoy your time with them.
9. Make goals for the rest of your life! (Or just the next five years).
It's important to make goals and know where you want to be in the next several years. It's important to reflect on who you are and what you want. Make sure to spend time thinking things through, writing dreams down and chasing after those dreams.
10. Don't wish this time to go away too much.
Cherish this time. College is going to be done too soon.