Ah, Sweetest Day, a holiday created for the express reason of selling candy, cards, and other nauseatingly sweet items in order to express one's devotion to another.
So basically Sweetest Day is the slightly less popular brother/sister to Valentine's Day that no one really asked for but no one is really complaining about either. Unless you're single, in which case you probably couldn't care less about the continuation of these "romantic" holidays.
Whether or not you buy into these kinds of holidays is up to personal belief but for the one's that do, have I got a list of gifts for you!
Buckle your seat belts, folks! This year Sweetest Day falls on Saturday, October 15 so here are 10 of the "best" gifts that you could possibly give to your sweetheart(s):
(Disclaimer: This is all in sarcastic jest so please, unless you are actively attempting to get rid of your significant other/pal/loved one/whatever you call your "other half," etc., do not really use these suggestions.)
1. A spatula
'Cause they're so "flippin'" sweet!
2. A membership to match.com/Tinder/etc.
*Special thanks to my dad for this one!* Try to give this one in an open space so that you are able to execute a clean get away once gifted!
4. Some of your ex's clothes
What better way to say "I love you" than to re-gift the clothing that you never got around to giving back to your ex!
5. A pair of $2 sunglasses from The Dollar Store
Because you brighten their life so much that they could probably use some!
6. A framed picture of you
Because they really need to know how fantastically lucky they are to have you and what better way to remind them than by having your smiling (or not, up to you really) face sitting next to their bed when they wake up.
7. An already used gift card
8. Something already used
True story: When I was a kid, one year for Christmas I was gifted a small Barbie chocolate tin. I excitedly tore off the ribbon and opened the tin only to find it completely empty because the gifter had become hungry on the way over to the Christmas party. There has been no sweeter Christmas present since and I highly recommend this idea!9. An avocado
"It's an avocado! Thanks!" Your loved one will absolutely adore this gift just like the kid from this video did!
10. An album of pictures
More specifically, an album of the pictures that you have taken of them while they have slept. For months. Even before you two were together. Couples are so cute!!In all reality, Sweetest Day is actually a decently okay holiday where people are able to remind the people around them that they are loved (even if it IS just a runner up holiday to Valentine's Day). So go ahead, run out and tell all of your loved ones that you appreciate and love them! In today's world, spreading love and happiness is incredibly important. Even if you don't agree with the commercialized holidays and what they stand for, remember that there are people around you that appreciate and love you. Maybe Sweetest Day is a silly made up holiday but showing affection and acknowledging people in your life is not very silly at all.
Happy Sweetest Day! Go tell someone that you love them and spread some happiness!