"I don't know what to get her"... The words of every son or daughter when it comes time for their mothers birthday or Christmas or even Mother's Day. Nobody ever wants to repeat gifts they've gotten her the year before, so how do you find new ones that will melt your mom's heart? Here are 10 simple things that your momma will love for any occasion.
1. Photo album
This one is an absolute must at one point or another! Get on Shutterfly or print some physical pictures yourself and get creative! Find this evening favorite memories you all had together whether it was camping, beach vacation, graduation, and for an extra special surprise add some old embarrassing pictures of the family or you as a baby!
2. That cute necklace or shirt she's been raving about!
We all go to the store or mall with our moms once in awhile, and chances are she'll spot something she loves, but would never spend that much money on herself. Make a list if you have too, but try to remember the stores and try online shopping for the item too! (Bonus points for this one is once you find that gift she raved about, she'll know you listen at least some of the time!) :)
3. Bath and Body goods
Pamper, pamper, pamper! The word that every mom loves to hear! Take her to get a pedicure, splurge on bath and bodies delicious smelling fragrances and lotions, a gift certificate for a massage, or even an exfoliating facial! Show her that she deserves to relax once in awhile too.
4. Sweets
That chocolate store down the road or that favorite ice cream shop you always love to go to is the next stop on the list. We all get that insane craving for sweets every now and then, and this is something that won't only melt your mom's heart, but her taste buds too. Find her favorite candy, flavor of cupcake, or ice cream and give her the gift of Willy Wonka's factory!
5. Flowers
Yes, this may seem way too original for a gift that's meant to be special, but don't be too quick to judge. Instead of going to the store to buy a few roses or carnations, take a trip the nearest greenhouse and find those beautiful unique tulips or Lilly's that Walmart would never sell. Ones like these you can sometimes plant and some will come back every spring! It's a gift that's a constant reminder of how much you love your mom.
6. A mother daughter date
So you guys are sitting down watching TV and an ad comes on for this cute new chick flick that's about to come out in a few weeks, and your mom just would love to see it! Significant others aren't the only ones who can take that special someone out for dinner and a movie. Plan a day that you both can go to a groovy restaurant and a funny movie. She'll be More than happy just to spend a night out with you then to even worry about what movie you watch, or what you had for dinner.
7. Stuff that smells good
This is probably one of the more simple and easy gifts to get... all you have to do is find out what kind of smells your mom likes. Is it pumpkin spice, Hawaiian breeze, or maybe even just plain vanilla, but once you know, find those candle melt warmers, just a normal candle or a special perfume.
8. Decorations
Every mom likes at that special touch to her home with her be in the dining room, kitchen, bathroom, or all of the above. Take a trip down to Hobby lobby especially when they have the buy one get 1/2 off sale or make something special of your own that'll add a touch of color or home to the Christmas tree, or to the wall above the fireplace.
9. Homemade gifts
These kind of gifts are the best ones because they are always the most heartfelt and down to Earth. We all as little kids made multiple scribbled pictures of us with our moms as stick figures — who says we are too old for more crafts from the heart? Get handy with something you think would be fun such as a homemade picture frame, Christmas ornament that holds a family picture, paint an old mason jar her favorite colors as a pencil holder. Don't be afraid to let your crafty side come out!
10. A letter
This one is definitely my absolute favorite because out of everything this is the one thing only you have the power to give her yourself. All moms love more than anything to be appreciated, and this is the perfect way to let them know in the simplest way. She may shed some tears, but that means it was a perfect gift. Write to her about the little things; All the times she held your hand when you cried, the great food she works so hard to cook on Thanksgiving, those late nights she stayed up to do laundry because you forgot to wash your jersey you need for tomorrow's game, the list could be endless. Thank her for being a rockstar even on the worst days. She'll always have this to look back on and treasure.
As the saying goes, Moms are the glue that hold everything together, and because of that and hundreds of others reasons don't be forget to spoil your mama a little bit (or a lot) to remind her just how awesome of a real life superhero she is.