Ladies, are you struggling to come up with gift ideas for your boyfriend? Is he seemingly the most difficult person in the world to shop for? This Christmas season, there are a multitude of gift options to choose from, but, I have narrowed those options down to the top 10 things your boyfriend will really appreciate (or, actually want to receive).
1. Cologne
This may seem like an overdone gift, but let's be honest, your boo wants to smell good and so do you. If you're unsure what scent he may like, try a fragrance sampler kit. These run you $65 at Sephora, and it gives your guy 15 cologne samples to try. Once he finds one in that kit he likes, he can take the scent certificate to your local Sephora and redeem it for a full-size bottle of his choice! Don't worry guys, you can take your lady with you so you don't have to go alone.
2. A Watch
This is probably the most classic gift you could ever buy a man, but for good reason. Every guy needs a nice watch that he can wear day and night. Find out if he likes gold, silver, or leather bands, and make a trip to your local department store to check out your options. There are plenty of price ranges and choices at Macy's, Dillards, and JC Penny. A classic brand that you can never go wrong with is Timex. These range in price and can look classy and sleek no matter which style you might choose for your lucky dude.
3. Shoes
Shoes are a very personal gift, but for you ladies that know your man inside and out (or better -- from his head to his toes), this might be the choice for you. Everyone needs a really nice pair of shoes, including men, so check his closet to see what he's missing.
Adidas are always a terrific choice in brand, check out the Ultraboosts for a sleek, modern design that still look great on anyone.
4. A Mixtape
OK, OK, I know what you're thinking -- I can't rap. Don't fear! This type of mixtape doesn't require any skill. This option is great for those of you who may have just started dating, or don't want to spend a ton of money on gifts this year. Round up some of your favorite songs, new or old, and burn them onto a CD. Show your little boo bear how much you love and appreciate him with your favorite choices of love ballads all compiled on one CD, made especially for him.
5. Sports Tickets
Does your boyfriend love sports? Is his favorite team going to be playing near your city anytime soon? Great! Head online to check out when and where they're playing and try and snag some tickets to his favorite sporting event. Websites such as Ticketmaster and Stubhub offer great deals on sporting event tickets. Surprise him by buying two tickets and going with him -- even if you don't know anything about the sport, support his interests and make it a fun date for the two of you to enjoy.
Find tickets easily here.
6. A Yeti Cooler
These bad boys range in price from $200-$400. They might be a little pricey, but so worth it. Take this with you on your next beach trip, and never have to replace the ice again! Any man would appreciate this gift, guaranteed.
7. A Trip
OK, this one is probably for those of you who are a bit more in tune with your boo's travel bucket list. Though you might need to save up and plan ahead for this one, he will remember this trip for the rest of his life. Even if you take a trip an hour away from home, you're putting in the effort to listen to the places he wants to go and are making his wishes come to life. Pack your bags and get planning, ladies!
8. Headphones
Headphones are an absolute must in our generation. Find a nice pair of headphones that will last him, Beats by Dre, Sol Republics, and Bose are all brands you should consider! Your sweet 'thang will love that he can listen to his music instead of listening to you complain on your next 10-hour car ride.
9. PS4
This one is for the gamers out there, and I promise you that if he doesn't have one already, he will die when he opens this one. Try to accompany this gift with a few games he wants, or plays on his other consoles. Though he might be a little preoccupied with his gift for the rest of Christmas day, at least you know you hit it out of the park with this one!
10. A Scrapbook
For those of you who have been dating for a significant amount of time, this gift if absolutely perfect. Compile all your favorite photos, concert tickets, memorabilia, etc. into one giant book. When he flips through the pages he might get a little emotional -- this one will show him you really love him and all the time you spend together!