It's week three of school here at Cuse so everybody is basically settled in and already has a mountain of projects, papers and assignments to do. Here are some GIFs that accurately depict universal struggles and activities that nearly every student has during the school week.
1.) Waking up bright and early on Monday morning.
2.) Realizing you have an assignment due wayyyyy sooner than you thought.
3. Returning from class all motivated to complete your homework.
3.) But instead you eat anything and everything instead.
4.) Falling asleep in class, despite how hard you try to remain focused.
5.) Trying to eat healthy and workout more but giving up because it's just way too hard to keep up with.
6.) Looking at other people that have their lives together and then looking at yourself with disappointment.
7.) Realizing that you're broke because you spend just a bit too much on necessary items, like books, highlighters... OK, actually just on food.
8.) Getting out of your last class for the week and preparing for the weekend.
9.) Waking up the next morning after a night out.
10.) Accepting the fact that it's Sunday and that you're going to have to deal with school all over again.