10 GIFs That Are Totally You Watching Corinne On 'The Bachelor' | The Odyssey Online
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10 GIFs That Are Totally You Watching Corinne On 'The Bachelor'

She is a twenty-something year old "woman" and she has a nanny. Come on. Bring back Olivia!

10 GIFs That Are Totally You Watching Corinne On 'The Bachelor'

We are only on week two of The Bachelor and this season has already found "those" girls that are "there for the right reasons." *initiate eye roll* If you have watched the second episode of The Bachelor - heck, or even the first - you already know the drama that is unfurling. Two women are shaking up the entire house: Corrine and Liz. Corrine is a twenty-something year old "woman" who owns her daddy's business...and has her own nanny. Liz, on the other hand, had slept with bachelor Nick months ago and decided to finally give him a chance. *eye roll*. I have rolled my eyes so many times so far this season that I fear they may get stuck in the back of my head before the season is over. "So why do you watch the show?" Simple. It's hilarious to watch these gorgeous people of the world strive for love. Please if I looked that good I would have no problem finding love. Haha! The show must go on though - I suppose. Pretty people need love too, right? And television networks need their ratings, right? Of course.

So, here are 10 GIFs that accurately describes how you felt about Corrine so far this season of The Bachelor:


1. TFW Corrine is twenty-something and has a nanny.

2. She kissed Nick on the first night.

3. Corrine started stealing time from other girls the first night.

4. When Corrine said she would look cuter in the topless wedding outfit.

5. When Corrine started to get jealous of the other girls for participating in the group date. Honey, what did you think would happen?

6. When she took off her bikini top and told Nick to hold her boobs. Folks, she even used the phrasing, "Nick held my naked bosoms."

7. When she actually won the "most chemistry" challenge in the group date.

8. When she interrupted EVERY girl who tried talking to Nick. Oh, not to mention she got bitter when someone "re-interrupted" her. Then, she proceeded to give a speech about it to all the girls.

9. When she said her father would have been proud for taking her top off on the first date if it meant getting Nick's attention. (Anyone, want to guess what that "multi-million dollar business" is? I'd genuinely like to know, but my money is on exactly that thought you're thinking right now.)

10. When after all was said and done, Corrine was given the rose at the end of the group date.

It has only been two episodes and Corrine has shaken up the entire house - we didn't even discuss the drama that Liz brought! Judging by the previews of future episodes, it seems that Corrine will be staying with us a little bit longer. Grab the popcorn. Pour the wine. Enjoy!

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