9. Donkey Kong Country - November 1994 | The Odyssey Online
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10 Video Games That Turn 25 in 2019

The 1990s were a magical time in the world of video games.

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1994 consisted of a variety of video games. If you also did not get a chance to play all of them whenn they initially released, you can acquire them whether by obtaining an original game and system, or by a remake/remaster, or a virtual console.

1. Mega Man X - January 1994

Mega Man X

Mega Man X - SNES


Mega Man X is a sequel to the events in the Mega Man series, around 100 something years following the events in its prequel. There is a Mega Man X Legacy collection available for the three current-gen consoles (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch). This is also on the Super Nintendo Classic Console, which released in 2017.

2. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - February 1994

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Sega Genesis


Knuckles is introduced in this 2D side-scrolling platformer game, although he is not yet a playable character. The events of this game take place following the events of its sequel, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Sonic and Tails have to once again retrieve the Chaos Emeralds. This game has been re-released in downloaded releases and compilations on various platforms.

3. Super Metroid - March 1994

Super Metroid - SNES


The third installation of the Metroid series focuses on exploration. The protagonist, Samus Aran has to retrieve a larva stolen by Ridley, leader of the Space Pirates. This game is also one of the preloaded games on the Super Nintendo Classic System.

4. Final Fantasy VI - April 1994

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VI - SNES


Final Fantasy VI, like its previous installments, has four primary modes of gameplay. An overworld map, town and dungeon field maps, a menu screen, and a battle screen. It featured fourteen permanent playable characters. This installment in the Final Fantasy series is another one of the preloaded games on the Super Nintendo Classic System.

5. Jazz Jackrabbit - May 1994

Jazz Jackrabbit

Jazz Jackrabbit - PC


I honestly never heard of this title from Epic MegaGames until I created this listicle. It is described as a console-style "animal with attitude" platformer. Not going to lie, I totally want to acquire a copy of this game now.

6. Earthworm Jim - August 1994

Earthworm Jim

Earthworm Jim - Sega Genesis


Meet Jim, an earthworm who fights evil while wearing a robotic suit. Initially released for the Sega Genesis, this game has also been ported to other consoles such as the Game Boy, Sega Master System, and Nintendo DSi.

7. EarthBound - August 1994


EarthBound - SNES


EarthBound is hands down one of the best, if not the best, Super Nintendo games of all time. The main protagonist, Ness finds three other children to find eight melodies in order to defeat Giygas. Getting your hands on a physical copy of this bad boy will cost you quite a bit. There are other ways to get your hands on this game without necessarily purchasing the original cartridge. This is available on the Nintendo Wii U & 3DS Virtual Console, as well as the Super Nintendo Classic.

8. Sonic & Knuckles - October 1994

Sonic & Knuckles

Sonic & Knuckles - Sega


Knuckles now becomes a playable character in the sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Players also had the ability to connect previous Sonic games to the cartridge, making Knuckles playable in them as well. This title has been re-released in compilations and digital platforms.

9. Donkey Kong Country - November 1994

Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country - SNES


Protagonist Diddy Kong, nephew of Donkey Kong, and antagonist King K. Rool are introduced as playable characters. Diddy and Donkey Kong have to recover their stolen banana hoard from King K. Rool and his henchmen.

10. Wario's Woods - December 1994

Wario's Woods

Wario's Woods - NES


The last official game on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in North American before Nintendo discontinued production of the console. Wario's Woods is a puzzle game where the objective is to clear the playing field of monsters by arranging bombs into rows of matching colors.

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