Finals week is approaching way to quickly for me. My goal was to spend all of Thanksgiving Break cracking down and getting everything done to be ready for the end of the semester. Well, surprise, guess how much I got done? Literally nothing. Instead, I found ten random to help procrastinate time even more. You can thank me later.
This website had me entertained for a good thirty minutes. I have no clue how it works. Basically you point your curser anywhere on the screen, then it searches some magical picture database and find a picture of someone pointing RIGHT at your curser. No matter where it is on the screen. I'm still trying to find a place where I can stump it, still haven't succeeded yet.
This one is great because not only is it entertaining, but you're helping people too. It's a quiz game where for every answer you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice to hungry families. Doesn't sound like much, but when you play it for a while, that stuff adds up. This still counts as studying, right?
Personally, I'm guilty of the age old amazon online shopping to kill time. This website lets you look up about every item on Amazon and it will show you the price history and projection forecast. So you know just the right time to buy that Cheetah Girls Deluxe movie pack.
After you tell yourself it's time to get serious with life and grab that cup of coffee for your all nighter. Why not see how much coffee would be enough to kill you? This website lets you look up your favorite caffeinated drinks to learn how much would be lethal.
We've all seen those cute little dancing elves with our friend's faces stuck in them. But Jib Jab has more than just Christmas E-Cards. Why not send a Thank You E-Card to your roommate for putting up with you? Or an I'm Sorry E-Card to yourself for putting yourself in this position for yet another semester.
Just need a good laugh? Remind yourself that you're not as bad as the other guy? This one is for you. Some crazy guy (or girl) responds to those weird ads on Craigslist. They mess with these people more than finals week is messing with us.
Just need a reminder how weird the internet can be? This website starts off with four big dots. As you roll over the dots, they break apart in to smaller ones. Then there's a nice surprise at the end.
This one is for when you need a mindless break to do absolutely nothing. It takes a minute to load, so go grab a snack, then sit back and be mesmerized by cats. A lot of them.
Ever want to build a little town with blocks like you're back in elementary school again? Play the kid game and reminisce on the good days where finals weren't a thing.
Now that you've successfully shortened the time you have to complete all those papers and study for that final, you just need a good cry. This girl has documented all the best places to cry in New York city along with depressing pictures. So close your eyes and have a good cry sesh on the elevator in the subway system with her.