An Average of 5.5 million peeps are made every day | The Odyssey Online
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10 Fun Facts About Peeps That You Didn't Know

Spring has sprung, take a peep at these interesting facts about these marshmallows

10 Fun Facts About Peeps That You Didn't Know

When you think about Easter, you probably think about egg hunts, going to church or having a fun day with the family. Most likely you will see the classic Peeps be given to children in their Easter baskets or out on the table for people to enjoy. These delicious marshmallows are sweet to the taste and is considered a staple for spring candy. Here are 10 fun facts about Peeps that you probably did not know:

An Average of 5.5 million peeps are made every day

These sweet treats are only made at the Just Born factory in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This is a family-owned candy company that manufactures and markets a number of candies including Goldenberg's Peanut Chews, Hot Tamales, and Mike and Ike.

There are sugar free Peeps that are made

For those who are considered a health nut, don't worry in 2007 sugar free Peeps started being sold on the shelves for people to eat.

Yellow is the first original color for Peeps

The first color was yellow—and yellow is still the most popular color. Yellow was followed by orange, pink, lavender, green, and blue.

Peep wars is a game developed to compete with others

When toothpicks are inserted into the sides of two marshmallow peeps which are facing each other in a microwave. When the microwave is turned on, the peeps swell and each peep's toothpick will poke the other peep. The peep that does not explode is the winner.

Peeps come in all shapes and sizes

These marshmellow delights comes in all shapes, including bunnies, Valentine's hearts, and Halloween pumpkins. Even though other shapes are available, the traditional chick is by far the most popular.

Nearly 2/3 of people who eat Peeps decide to bite the heads off first

This fact is based on a survey conducted. Besides biting the heads off first, people have let them heat up in the microwave or cool down in the refrigerator.

There are Facebook groups dedicated on hating Peeps

Not everyone likes Peeps, however. "Haters" say they're too sweet and have an unpleasant texture. There are Facebook groups dedicated to hating them, and the hashtag #PeepsMassacre can be found on Instagram, tagging photos of Peeps meeting their demise.

The Peeps brand is celebrating its 67th anniversy in 2020

The Peeps brand has been known as the best-selling non-chocolate Easter candy for more two decades so that is a reason why they should celebrate

Just Born named a new product after their employee

Tired of the same old Peep? The chocolate "Jimmies" is a Peep with sprinkles on ice cream. They're named it after the employee who invented them.

It takes 6 minutes to make a Peep

In 1957, it took 27 hours to make one single Peep. With better technology that number is now 6 hours.

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