The 10 Friends You'll Have in College | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Friends You'll Have in College

The 10 Friends You'll Have in College

We all have those friends that have their own unique personalities we can immediately pinpoint. Here are 10 of those friends that you're bound to have at some point in your college career.

1. The Mom

This is the friend that makes you eat before a night out or a big exam, worries that you haven't gotten enough sleep and always makes sure you get home safe after a night of drinking. She's also the one that yells at you if you're not dressed warmly enough or the one you can count on to hold your hair if you've had one too many drinks at the end of the night.

2. The Partier

She's the one that won't let an exam on Thursday stop her from participating in the highly-anticipated Wine Wednesday, and the one who you can find going out every day of the week that ends in a "y." She will nag you on Thursday while you're sitting at home in your PJs at 9:30 p.m. until you finally get up and go out with her, but she's the one you will most definitely thank for all of the crazy memories that you have.

3. The Advice-Giving Therapist

Whether it's boy drama, a bad test grade or you're just feeling down, she's the one you can go to with all of your problems. She will be there with open arms, reassurance and the longest list of possible solutions. She's also the one, on occasion, who will offer to throw punches, if necessary.

4. The Married One

While she may not actually be married in college, she's the friend that always seems to be committed to someone, which normally comes with constant breakups and fights that you're left to deal with. But, at the end of the day, if boyfriend number five makes her happy, you're happy, too.

5. The Guy Friend

When the mixed stress of girl drama and school becomes too much, you always need that one guy friend to turn to for a break. He's the one that will make you laugh until your stomach hurts, tell you the honest truth regardless of whether or not you want to hear it, but who will never fail to give you the best and biggest bear hugs when you need them.

6. The One Who's Always Positive

She's the one who may not give the best advice, but will always have a smile on her face and tell you to look at the bright side. While she may get annoying at times, especially when you don't think there is a bright side, you always appreciate her perk and her smiley demeanor and use it to get you through the day.

7. The Dramatic One

She's the one who will exaggerate everything. Whether it's how drunk she is, how much of her night she remembers or how poorly she thinks she did on a test she ends up acing, there's never a dull moment with her by your side. She especially comes in handy after a bad breakup or fight with a boyfriend, as she well be the one to swears she'll "kick a** and take names" to protect her friends.

8. The Motivated One

She's the friend that spends her free time in her 10 club meetings, the one who is vice president of the organization she created herself and the one that you can definitely see being the first female president. She is always making connections, maintains the 4.0 GPA and occasionally spends her Friday nights studying at the library, but she's the friend that will definitely be willing to put you up in the spare bedroom of her mansion when she's rich and famous.

9. The Oddball

She's the friend who is a mix of all your others, and the one who seemingly will never grow up. She still takes pleasure in the things her five-year-old self enjoyed doing, like building forts and going in bouncy castles, but you secretly admire her innocence and appreciate her quirks for what they are.

10. The Foodie

While there is a little bit of this friend in all of us, she is the one that will never fail to order food at any hour of the day, the one you could watch scarf down four pieces of pizza and not flinch and the one that decides a breakup would best be remedied with as much ice cream and chocolate as you two can handle. She's always looking for someone to go to the dining hall with her, and is always readily available for that froyo trip when you need it.

Whether you're the mom, the therapist or the drama queen, at the end of the day, each friend is different and special in his or her own way, and you can be sure to have at least one friend who never fails to disappoint in at least one of these categories.

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