10 Forgotten Disney Films That You Need To Watch Again | The Odyssey Online
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10 Forgotten Disney Films That You Need To Watch Again

Unforgettable, that is what you are.

10 Forgotten Disney Films That You Need To Watch Again
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Walt Disney has given us hundreds of classic characters, animations, movies, shows, and attractions that have touched our hearts. Honestly, he has given us so much material that it can be quite overwhelming for any Disney fan to take in. It's always easier to look more at the popular Disney material to keep up with what everyone else is looking at. However, this makes us forget about the underappreciated movies and animations that get pushed aside. We forget about films that started the magic and that have broken boundaries. I'm here to make a list of just a handful of films and shorts that have been pushed aside and that should be appreciated again.

1. The Three Little Pigs (1933)

As part of the series of shorts titled Silly Symphony, The Three Little Pigs is one of Walt Disney's greatest accomplishments. It won the 1934 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film. It was so successful in its day, that theaters ran the cartoon for months after its debut. The short is based off of the fairy tale we all grew up with, and really brings the story to life as Walt gave the pigs personalities and a wonderful batch of songs. Watching a short like this may seem to feel outdated, but it helps us remember how far we have come in animation. This and many other Silly Symphony shorts are a good watch. In fact, this brings us to our second film.

2. The Cookie Carnival (1935)

Being another installment to the Silly Symphony series, The Cookie Carnival was released in 1935. It wasn't as successful and iconic as The Three Little Pigs, but that definitely doesn't dismiss it of its aesthetically pleasing animation and style. It is a Cinderella story with a bit of a sweet and scrumptious twist. This and many other Silly Symphony shorts are easily accessible on YouTube.

3. The Three Caballeros (1944)

Being only the seventh animated feature film by Walt, The Three Caballeros is a fun, upbeat film that celebrates Mexican culture through two of Donald Duck's friends. The film consists of seven segments that share a common theme that looks into Latin American culture. The film combines live-action and animation. It has to be one of my favorite childhood films.

4. Lady and the Tramp (1955)

Even if it holds one of the most cinematically iconic scenes, I find this film to still be overlooked. We all know and reference the famous spaghetti scene, but do we remember the film itself? Being the fifteenth installment to Walt Disney Animation Studios films, Lady and the Tramp is known as one of the best love stories of all time. At the time of it's release, it had been Disney's most successful film since Snow White, earning them an estimated $7.5 million in rentals at the North American box office in 1955.

5. Robin Hood (1973)

Being the twenty-first installment to the Walt Disney Animation Studios list of films, Robin Hood is based on the famous legend of the same name. Only, instead of humans, they use animals to tell the story. It's not one of Disney's strongest films, but it is indeed very entertaining and has a special charm to it that you don't see in a lot of films. If you enjoyed The Jungle Book, you would definitely enjoy this film.

6. Sleeping Beauty (1959)

This being the sixteenth Disney animation feature film, I find this one to be way overlooked. You may think otherwise since Aurora is considered one of the classic princesses and Maleficent being one of the most iconic Disney villains of all time. But that's just the thing. I've noticed that people are more focused on Maleficent rather than the film she originated from. Especially ever since the live-action remake Maleficent was released, I think we have forgotten the true beauty in the film that started it all. The film is visually appealing and has wonderful music. It is probably one of my favorite childhood Disney movies.

7. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

This one is easily my favorite Disney film of all time, and probably one of the most overlooked Disney films to ever be ignored. This film has beautiful animation, an amazing soundtrack, and breaks boundaries that most films don't dare to touch. It was definitely a challenging film to make for the writers, since it's based off a very dark novel. The fact they toned down the story and made it as kid-friendly as possible is a very great achievement. However, at the same time, I can understand why some parents wouldn't want to show the film to their children. It never scared me as a child, but it may scare some.

8. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)

Another one of Disney's darker films, it still has to be one of the best they have done in my opinion. There's no music, and it's not as upbeat and colorful as most Disney films are known for, but it still delivers when it comes to the animation and score. The storyline and writing for it is very intense, and honestly leaves me at the edge of my seat even as an adult. Even though it didn't do too well in the box office, it still was nominated for a number of awards.

9. Enchanted (2007)

This is yet another film Disney has broken boundaries with. I mean, come on. Who else parodies their own movies while making a heartwarming film in the process with beautiful animation while mixing live action elements? The soundtrack is amazing. The main character, Giselle, is such a good role model for young children. This movie is so dang good that even Rotten Tomatoes (who, let's be real, is the most judgemental when it comes to film reviews) gave it a 93%. If you haven't seen this film, it's definitely a must-watch.

10. A Goofy Movie (1995)

To end my list, I give you A Goofy Movie, which I hope lots of you 90s kids will remember. Even though the film has received mixed reviews, it's probably one of the most memorable films for anyone who grew up loving Disney in the 90s. The music and film itself has a great vibe from the decade it was released. It also has a wonderful father-son plot to it as well. It may be a classic for some, but I think it's also easily forgotten.

There's honestly hundreds of other Disney films I could go on about that are highly forgotten and need to be enjoyed once again. These were only just a few of my personal favorites. So, if you're ever in the need for something that doesn't have a talking snowman, I highly recommend the listed films above. If none of these tickled your fancy, I highly recommend looking into other Disney films that you can blow the dust off of and enjoy once again.

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