Florida Southern is the gem of Polk County. With Lake Hollingsworth, the great weather, and a unique mascot, you can't go wrong. Here are some signs that you go to FSC.
1. Ann Kerr.
Ann Kerr is the President of FSC and basically a celebrity on campus. If you're lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her, she's probably wearing red. Makes sense since it is our school color. Keep doin' you, President Kerr.
2. Kau Kau Koner.
Ah Kaus, a Florida Southern tradition. Kaus may be super small, sketchy, and down right disgusting, but there is no doubt that you have had some of your best college experiences there, and met so many new people. Whether it was Thursday or Saturday night, the Koner was always the move. The loud music, extremely sweaty people and most famously, Kaus feet, are things that we as students will never forget. Kaus may be closed right now, but it will live on forever in our hearts.
3. Lake Hollingsworth.
The lake is one of the best parts about FSC. Lake Hollingsworth is definitely beautiful, even though it is home to alligators and water moccasins. You can always find people running/walking the lake or sitting by the various docks surrounding it. But if you actually go into the water...good luck.
4.The Undercaf.
In all honesty, we as FSC students really suffer from a lack of good food and food options. Between the caf and the undercaf, I'm gonna go with undercaf. Even though the smell in the undercaf is a unique but disgusting one, I have to admit that they make the best mozzarella sticks and quesadillas around. Sometimes the undercaf can get pretty lit if the juke box is bumping a good song. It's also a plus that it's open until 1 am if you're ever craving a late night snack.
5. Mocsie.
Mocsie the famous FSC mascot. You can catch Mocsie at basically any sporting event and take some cute pictures with it. However, FSC got a new Mocsie this year and it is pretty scary to me. So if you ever see Mocsie out and about on campus, you can probably see me running the other way. Go Mocs!
6. Parking.
One of the biggest disadvantages at Florida Southern: Extreme lack of parking. Trying to find a parking spot on campus is nearly impossible. Every time you move your car, chances are you're not going to have that spot back for a very long time. You can always see kids circling the streets and parking lots until a spot opens up. If you're lucky, you can get a spot right outside your dorm...if you know how to parallel park that is. It is pretty funny watching some people struggle to parallel park into a spot and getting so frustrated that they actually abandon it and try to look elsewhere. Sucks for you.
7. Wifi.
There's really nothing like trying to hand in a paper or homework online in time, but you can't because the wifi isn't working. This isn't even shocking anymore; it's expected. It is a known fact that FSC's wifi is the worst. It happens all the time and even the professors are aware of this issue. However, when the wifi is down, basically everyone is only worried about one thing: not being able to watch Netflix. I mean what else would we be doing?
8. The Buckstop.
The Buckstop is definitely my go-to for lunch or a snack throughout my day. There is no doubt that the Buckstop workers are the nicest on campus and can always make your day. Shout out to you guys.
9. Convocation.
The dreaded convo. Twice a semester you can hear the cries of FSC students complaining about having to attend convocation. It's always at 11am so you can't even really sleep in if you wanted to. I don't even think anyone pays attention to what goes on during convo. Everyone is usually on their phones, on social media, or probably sleeping. What's even worse is that if you miss convo, you either have to pay a fine or go to a make-up one. Thanks, but I'd rather take the fine.
10. Greek life
Greek life is a huge aspect of on-campus life. Let's face it, if you're not on a sports team, you are probably in a fraternity or sorority. Everyone is always wearing their letters and hosting events. A downside to greek life would definitely be living in the suites as opposed to mansions like other schools have where they can do as they want and throw parties whenever. But if you love your organization than it shouldn't really matter, right?