Finals week: AKA the definition of hell on earth for a college student. You cannot wait to be able to smile and say its over. After the longest semester of your life, you definitely need to unwind. Here are some ways to do just that:
1. Have a glass of wine
Don't mind if I do!
2. Have five glasses of wine
That's more like it.
3. Eat your body weight in food
Get a burrito and your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream and you're good to go.
4. Binge watch Netflix guilt free
No more stressing over the homework you are avoiding by watching netflix!
5. Have a dance party
Break out your best moves and have some fun.
6. Take a 3-day nap to make up for lack of sleep
After pulling those all-nighters for the past week, let your body finally catch some Z's.
7. Go out with the squad
Reunite with the crew and celebrate your final victory lap.
8. Buy yourself something nice
Whether it be clothes, shoes, etc. you deserve it for working so hard!
9. Watch cute dog videos
Cause why not?
10. Cry tears of joy because you made it!
Another semester down. Another one survived.