10 Things You’ll Find In A College Commuter Student’s Car | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You’ll Find In A College Commuter Student’s Car

Are you living out of your car or are you a college student? Both.

10 Things You’ll Find In A College Commuter Student’s Car

One of the biggest struggles of commuting to school is that you live out of your car. With busy schedules, social lives, work, homework and just general sanity, sometimes the best option is to leave everything you need in the vehicle you have with you at all times. Who needs a dorm or apartment when you already have a very small house on wheels?

Here are 10 things you'll find in a college commuter student's car:

1. Textbooks

Your car becomes your personal locker, especially if you don't have one on campus. That heavy math book, the novels for your English classes, that book you told yourself months ago you were going to read and still haven't gotten around to it. They've all become permanent residents for the semester. Think of it as your own library!

2. Snacks

I've had full three-course meals in my car. Table for one: me, myself, and I! By three course meals, of course I mean granola bars and fast food. It's always good to have some peanut butter crackers or something on hand. You never know when you'll get hungry. Just don't let them stay in the car too long. I've made that mistake one too many times.

3. Water Bottles

Whether they’re plastic or reusable, they are littering the floor of your car. You can’t reach into the back seat without accidentally grabbing at least one. This could be a good thing— that means you drink a lot of water! In my case, however, at least half of them are caffeinated beverages.

4. Receipts and Coupons

Being on the go so much, you tend to buy a lot of merchandise. So much that your wallet is probably crying a little bit. For me, it's food. I like to pretend I'm organized with my receipts for my bank account, so let's just imagine my little white Chevy is just one big file folder.

5. Extra Clothes

There might be entire load of laundry solely in my back seat, and three pairs of shoes and a couple headbands. On the plus side, I have entire outfits at my disposal when I need them! Just like snacks, it's good to have some spare pants on hand. Stains happen, rips happen and back-ups are just a necessity. Not to mention the times you want to look super cute for the day, but your work outfit for later consists of a polo and khakis.

6. Make-up, Deodorant and other Toiletries

With so much running around, it's easy to forget to put on eyeliner, or worst case scenario, to brush your teeth. Numerous travel-size products make your glovebox or center console seem like a medicine cabinet. It's super convenient though, especially if you're running late to class or work.

7. Copious Amounts of Change

Admit it: you have a cup holder filled with change. You've also bought a large coffee from Dunkin Donuts with solely quarters and dimes.

8. Tissues and Paper Towels

You never know when you'll accidentally spill your Dunkin on the front seat. Plus, if you're anything like me, my car is also the place to have homework-stress-induced breakdowns. It's the safe place to ugly cry without judgment. Tissues are a must. Luckily for you, you also have that spare make-up in your car! Wipe away those tears, apply some mascara, and go tackle the world!

9. Shopping Bags Filled with Trash

When you don't have access to a garbage can, you have to make best with what you do have. Then, as soon as you have access to a garbage can, that garbage can is now filled with Target bags filled with food wrappers and water bottles. Bag-ception.

10. The Tens of Thousands of Dollars You Saved by Not Living on Campus

(Courtesy of the fabulous Ally Rape.)

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19. When it's been two hours and you've only gotten through five notecards:

20. When you finally make it to the end of the week:


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