10 Films And TV Shows Every Media-Related Major Should Watch
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10 Films And TV Shows Every Media-Related Major Should Watch

The perfect films and TV shows for anyone in journalism school.

10 Films And TV Shows Every Media-Related Major Should Watch

When it comes any media-related major, such as broadcasting or journalism, the hands-on experience of these majors is the most crucial part. From working at your campus's television station to even writing on an online editorial such as this one (*wink*), it's important to get involved the moment you get on campus. Sometimes, when you're at home watching Netflix, you'll come across a movie or TV that makes you wanna say, "Hey! I wanna do that when I graduate!" And these movies and TV shows do just that. So here are the perfect movies and TV shows that any media-related major should see.

1. "Nightcrawler" (2014)

In the ultimate movie for the freelance videographer, Jake Gyllenhaal stars as a former criminal who starts shooting footage of accidents and crimes in the Los Angeles area and sends them to news stations. The climax is something to behold, though, but I'm not going to give that away.

2. "Good Morning, Vietnam" (1987)

I can tell you this: There are still people who want to go into radio and radio isn't going anywhere for a while. The aspiring disc jockey will love the late Robin Williams' antics (some of the lines are improvised) as his character (based on real-life AFRS DJ Adrian Cronauer) becomes a popular DJ for the Armed Forces Radio Service in Saigon during the Vietnam War.

3. "The Social Network" (2010)

With social media becoming the be-all, end-all of everything now, more and more companies are looking for people who specialize in social media. Enter "The Social Network," the story of how Facebook came to be and the struggles that founder Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) had to face in order to make this platform a worldwide phenomenon.

4. "Newsies" (1992)

This cult classic is perfect for those wanting to work in the newspaper business. Loosely based on the Newsboys Strike of 1899, this movie tells the story of a group of paperboys (led by Christian Bale) as they dream of one day leaving their job working under Joseph Pulitzer and moving to Santa Fe.

5. "30 Rock" (2006-2013)

For those wanting to work more on the entertainment side of broadcast television, this series is for you. Tina Fey stars as Liz Lemon, the head writer of a fictional sketch comedy show at NBC (similar to her experiences working at "SNL"), but often butts heads with the network executive, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin).

6. "The Newsroom" (2012-2014)

I can't tell you how many times everyone who's been a news producer or anchor or is in the news department at my college's TV station last year were like, "Oh my god! Did you watch 'The Newsroom'? "I love 'The Newsroom'!" Even though the series is over, they still talk about it. This show is the ultimate show for anyone who dreams of becoming an anchor, reporter, or producer. This show chronicles the behind-the-scenes drama at a fictional news station, led by anchor Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) and his executive producer and ex-girlfriend, MacKenzie McHale (Emily Mortimer). What makes this show powerful, though, is the show's coverage of real-life events (such as the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Occupy Wall Street protest, and the Boston Marathon bombing).

7. "Home Movies" (1999-2004)

Don't let the fact that this show is a cartoon fool you. I found this innocent show to be very enjoyable and perfect for the aspiring film maker. The shows centers around an 8-year-old who makes videos with his friends in his spare time as an escape from reality and his troubles at home.

8. "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" (2004)

Of course, I wasn't going to forget this one. The movie is absolutely hilarious and perfect for the aspiring news anchor. Set in 1974, Will Ferrell stars as San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy as he clashes with his new more serious female co-anchor.

9. "Groundhog Day" (1993)

Are you dreaming of becoming a broadcast meteorologist? You'll relate well to this comedy. Bill Murray stars as a TV weatherman who travels to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, with his news producer and love interest (Andie MacDowell) to cover the annual Groundhog Day event. Unfortunately, he keeps reliving Feb. 2 all over again.

10. "Talk Radio" (1988)

Another film centered in the world of radio, this film is about radio personality in Dallas with controversial politically liberal views. Anyone wishing to analyze the world of politics in media, from either the television and radio angle, should really give this film a shot.

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