10 Female Characters That Will Make You Scream YAS QUEEN YAS
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10 Female Characters That Will Make You Scream YAS QUEEN YAS

Why these female characters are goals.

10 Female Characters That Will Make You Scream YAS QUEEN YAS

Each of these women hold a special place in my heart. And yes, I am fully aware that they are fictional. But they feel real to me, okay? Each character is put through burdensome situations, but they power through. Some of these women are already respected-others have to earn the respect of other characters. They have to prove to the people around them that they are worthy of respect. They show the audience that anyone can rise up to a challenge-no matter what gender you are. I hope you're ready for some woman power.

1. Michonne

If we're being honest, Michonne is terrifying. Not only is she physically fit, but she is extremely intelligent. When we first see Michonne, she has two walkers following her, bound by chains. We find out later that the two walkers are her boyfriend Mike and his best friend Terry. While she was on a supply run, she left Andre, her son with them. There was an zombie attack, and the idiots were hight. By the time she got back, Andre was dead, and they were dying.

"I made it so they couldn't bite, couldn't scratch. I tied chains around their necks. It was insane. It was sick. It felt like what I deserved, dragging them around so I would always know. I found out that they kept me safe. They hid me. The walkers didn't see me anymore. I was just another monster." -Michonne

In season three, when she arrives in Woodbury with Andrea-she sees right through the Governor's charms. She is suspicious of the Governor long before Andrea ever is. She happens to be the reason why the Governor eventually needs an eyepatch-she stabbed him in the eye. She is later a part of the council in the prison. And when the Governor returns, she and Hershel are kidnapped. Hershel ends up being killed by him, and when the Governor has his hands around Rick's throat, she stabs her katana through his chest, and leaves him to die. YOU GO GIRL.

2. Mulan

From the very beginning, it is clear that Mulan doesn't fit in. She doesn't act "how a lady should" and she ends up embarrassing her family. Men are then called out to war - her father included. Her father has an injury that would surely get him killed in the battlefield. So what does she do? The most dishonorable thing she could of done - stole his armor and weapon and takes his place. At first, she's a horrible soldier. But she ends up rising to the challenge. Eventually takes out the entire Hun army. And when she discovers that Shan Yu is planning to attack the Emperor, she tries to warn Li Shang, but to no avail.

"You said you trusted Ping. Why is Mulan any different?"-Mulan

But she still doesn't give up! She ends up defeating Shan Yu, and saving China. The Emperor himself bows to her. What's that I smell? That is the sweet smell of victory.

3. Éowyn

Éowyn, the niece of King Théoden, was never allowed to fight. Even though she was desperate to. Even Aragorn commented on her skill with a blade. But Théoden never allowed it. So after every battle that she missed, she took charge and rode out to battle, disguised as a soldier, and she took Merry with her. During the battle, the Nazgul fly in and mortally wound King Théoden. And just as the Witch King is about to let his Fellbeast devour him, Éowyn stands in his way. She decapitates the Fellbeast, and fights the Witch King. And just as the Witch King thinks he has the upperhand, Merry stabs him in the leg.

"You fool. No man can kill me."-Witch King

"I am no man". -Éowyn


4. Katara

Against all odds, Katara becomes a waterbending master. She is the only waterbender in the Southern Water Tribe. And then she finds Aang, the avatar. The world's last airbender. She and her brother find the one person that has any chance to save the world from the fire nation. Their first stop happened to be the Northern Water Tribe. Here, she hopes to learn how to master waterbending alongside Aang. But Master Pakku, the waterbending teacher of the Northern tribe, doesn't teach female waterbenders how to fight. He says the women only learn to use their abilities to heal. Katara starts learning how to waterbend from Aang in secret, and is confronted by Master Pakku. The chieftan of the Northern Tribe orders her to apologize to him.

"No! No way am I apologizing to a sour old man like you! I'll be outside if you're man enough to fight me." -Katara

She fights this bone head, and she doesn't win, but he does admit that she's a incredible waterbender. And during their battle, she loses her necklace. It happened to be the necklace that Master Paku gave her grandmother. It's a bethroal necklace. She told him that she left the Northern tribe because she wasn't going to follow the tribe's stupid customs. The next day, Katara is learning how to use her waterbending-to fight. TAKE THAT, SEXISM.

5. Lt. Judy Hopps

Judy was the first ever bunny officer in Zootopia. And when she finally gets onto the police force, she is made a meter maid. But when a robbery happens in front of her eyes, she chases the culprit down, and saves a life. She almost gets fired over this, but she ends up getting placed on a missing mammal case. She finds all of the missing mammals, who have happened to go crazy. All of these mammals happen to be predators, and she says this to the press. She later discovers the real reason for the predators insanity-nighthowlers. She makes up with her clever fox friend, Nick, and they discover something extraordinary. A sheep named Bellwether has hired rams to shoot predators with night howlers. And she gets a confession with her recorder.

"So no matter what kind of person you are, I implore you: try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you." -Judy Hopps

I'm not crying, you're crying.

6. Hermione

Everyone knows that Harry would have died a LONG time ago if it weren't for Hermione. Everyone knows that Hermione's brilliance saved Harry all throughout the books. In the Sorcerors Stone, she helped Harry defeat Quirrel. In the Chamber of Secrets, she is the one who discovers what the monster is. In the Prisoner of Azkaban, she saved Sirius' life. In the Goblet of Fire, she taught Harry how to do the summoning spell for the first task. In the rest of the series, she stayed by Harry and Ron's side even though they were turds to her a lot of the time. When Ron left Harry and Hermione's side in the Deathly Hallows, she stayed by Harry because she knew it was the only way the wizarding world would survive. She kept going. And when Ron finally came back, she wasn't having any of his crap.

"You...complete arse, Ronald Weasley! You show up here after weeks, and you say "Hey?"-Hermione Granger

I think it's completely overlooked how brave Hermione is towards her friends. She will die for them, but she's not afraid to call them out on their crap. You go girl.

7. Rey

Rey gets sucked into the battle between the First Order and the New Republic when BB-8 runs into her, and Finn shortly after. They eventually meet Han Solo and Chewbacca, and Han is impressed with her piloting skills. She is eventually captured by Kylo Ren, because she has seen the information that BB-8 is carrying with him. Kylo Ren tries to force her to tell him what the information is, but he is taken by complete surprise. She is strong with the force. She gets in HIS head.

"You. You're afraid. That you will never be as strong as Darth Vader."-Rey

Along with fighting him psychologically, she fights him in combat too. And she defeats him. Who's the Jedi Master now?

8. Black Widow

It is no secret to anyone that Black Widow is a powerful fighter. She was a trained assassin until Clint came along. Instead of killing her, he gave her the chance to become a shield agent. She has no problem keeping up with the Avengers. In Captain America: Civil War, even Bucky had a hard time fighting her. She's also extremely clever. In Avengers, the first time we see her is when she is bound, and being interrogated. Coulson calls her saying they need her for another mission.

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation. This moron is giving me everything."-Black Widow

Keep in mind that she also managed to figure out Loki's plans in the Avengers. And she also brings Clint back to himself after he got himself put under Loki's spell. Not so clever now, are you Loki?

9. Princess Mononoke (San)

Dropped at Moro's (the wolf god) feet, San was raised by wolves. She is neither human or wolf. She lives in the forest with her mother and two other wolves. The forest is in danger of being annihilated because of the humans who live in a town nearby, called Irontown. In order to get the iron that they need, they have to clear away the forest. The boar god, Nago, was killed by trying to defend the forest. But before he died, he turned into a demon. San is aware of this, but still, she gets inside Irontown, and tries to kill Lady Aboshi (the town's leader). She makes it very clear that if she can save her home, she'll gladly die.

"We musn't give up! We'll find a way! Go on planting your trees and some day we'll beat them! The forest spirit is with us!" -San

Even at impossible odds, she still doesn't give up. You messed with the wrong wolf princess.

10. Khaleesi (Daenerys Targaryen)

Dany was forced to marry Khal Drogo, one of the most powerful khals of the Dothraki. Her brother wanted to invade Westeros and take back the throne. But he needed the Dothraki army. She married him, and eventually learned how to become a Dothraki leader.

"You're learning to talk like a Queen."-Jorah Mormont

"Not a Queen. A Khaleesi."-Daenerys Targaryen

When she someone tries to assassinate her, Khal Drogo vows to travel to Westeros and take over the Iron Throne. She also convinces Khal Drogo to stop the other Dothraki men from raping women. Unfortunately, one Dothraki man doesn't like this, and fights Khal Drogo, and wounds him. Khaleesi tries to save him with a woman who used blood magic, but that puts him in a vegetative state. She eventually puts him to death. One of their wedding gifts was three dragon eggs. She burns the woman who tricked her, and she walks into the fire with the eggs. And she comes out alive and unharmed, with three dragons at her side. In season three, she comes across men who are called the Unsullied. She needs an army to invade Westeros, and she wants them. But they are slaves. They have been slaves all their lives, so she must trade one of her dragons for them. She makes the trade, and after the deal is made, she orders the Unsullied to kill the masters. And they do, and after it is all said and done, she asks them to fight for her but she says they can leave if they want to. And they agree to fight with her. YAS QUEEN.

Feel the girl power.

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