Retail work is not easy by any standard. While the actual work, punching in keys to a register, might be easy, dealing with customers makes these jobs almost unbearable and other social interactions can make this job hell. Here are 10 things I've dealt with while working retail.
1. That feel when you ask a costumer how their day has been and they completely ignore it
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2. That feel when a customer thinks that you have total control over item prices.
3. That feel when a customer gets upset and says that they are going to choose another retailer over you.
4. That feel when a customer tries telling you how to do your job.
5. That feel when a customer thinks you're holding out on them so they ask to see the manager.
6. That feel when a customer coughs into their hand before they hand you their money.
7. That feel when a customer asks you to check in the back if there's any more inventory, but you know damn well there ain't nothing back there.
8. That feel when your customer tries to give you a tip but it's against company policy to accept it.
9. That feel when you're about to go on break and a rush of customers decides to grace you with their presence
10. That feel when a customer recognizes that you're a human and treats you with dignity and respect