Ah, it is that time of the year when lent rolls around. Fat Tuesday has passed and we all had one last chance to indulge in chocolate, cookies, cake or whatever it is you are giving up for the duration of the season. Six weeks without something you love. If you are anything like me you don't wait until the last minute to pick what you are going to give up for lent. I spend a great amount of my time trying to determine what I should go without from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday.
22 years into this you would think it would get easier, but if anything, it only gets harder. When you are a kid you still can eat meat on Friday and if you forget and slip up and do whatever you gave up you don't feel as bad. But as you get older the guilt gets more intense when you slip up, and you may even find yourself crying in the library one night because all you want is late night taco bell (this happened to me, don't give up Taco Bell.) But these hardships are making you more determined than ever to not go back on your word.
Lent is rewarding at the end but it is a trying six weeks and you sure to have a these reoccurring thoughts through the liturgical season.
1. The I've Got This Stage.
Six weeks without chocolate. Easy. This will be a breeze I bet that I won't even struggle with this at all the way things are going already.
Chocolate? What is chocolate? I could go my whole life without ever even seeing it again.
Me? I'm doing great, are you kidding me? I have not even thought about what I gave up, I don't miss it a bit! Wait, did you say chocolate? Because, I totally do not want it.
4. The Regret Stage.
OK... Fine maybe chocolate is all I have thought about for the last 48 hours. Why did I do this to myself? Why didn't I give up something like pickled eggs? I don't think I've ever ate a pickled egg in my life. I would totally eat pickled chocolate right now to be honest? OH MY GOD! Gross! WHO HAVE I BECOME?
5. The Painful Stage.
I cannot function at this point in my life. I physically need chocolate in my life right now, at this very moment. I may die without my beloved chocolate. I'm beginning to question who I am now. I'm having an identity crisis.
6. The Confusion Stage.
Why? Why did I do this to myself? Year after year here I am. I mean it is probably about over by now, right? No? Three weeks? *dies internally*
7. The Pressure Stage.
I can do this, I know I can. Oh, they brought chocolate cake to the birthday dinner? WHY? You cruel, cruel people.
8. The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Stage.
Wow. How is it already week six? This is awesome. I cannot wait for Easter Sunday when I can eat my bodyweight in chocolate. Alright, I can do this after all! Bring. It. On.
9. The Rewarding Stage.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I made it! It is Easter Sunday and I did not cheat once! I feel so rewarded, I love this! The world is a great place!.....Where is the chocolate? I may steal that little girl's chocolate bunny.
10. The Thinking Ahead To Next Year Stage.
What should I do for next year? Definitely not chocolate, I can't live through that again.
Lent is a wonderful time of the year, as trying as it may be for everyone. You truly learn and grow as a person. It pushes you but you are reminded of many life lessons. Good luck this Lenten season, everyone! Remember we are all in this together. #Dontcheat