We all have our favorite TV dramas of today. we love binge watching them and hate waiting every week for them to come back on. We experience a lot of different feelings while we wait and watch. One show specifically, "The Walking Dead," is one of television's best shows right now. But, like any die-hard walking dead fan, we have to endure the worst with mixed feelings and conflicting theories.
1. Excitement
When first starting the show or watching a season premiere after waiting 6 months for the show to come back on, you sit anxiously and wait. The week before a season premiere time seems to slow down and the feeling of anxiety eats away at you.
2. Enthusiastic
You finally have something to do on Sunday nights again! You’ve been waiting so long to see if your well thought out predictions are even remotely close to what actually ends up happening and when you’re not, you don’t get discouraged because your favorite show is back on television!
3. Frustrated
Everything was going so well, you were enjoying the show and it had your attention the first two or three weeks but the infamous “filler” episodes have started. You find yourself trying to convince your friends it’s a show worth watching, telling them the filler episodes have important dialogue in them, even when they rarely do.
4. Annoyed
Clashing predictions between you and your friend(s) begin to get the better of you. A friend makes an outlandish prediction on someone’s death in the show and you have to have a Jeb Bush vs. Donald Trump debate in your head whether or not you will remain this person’s friend.
5. Reconnected
After a few weeks of pointless/slow episodes, you finally feel reconnected to the show because Rick just bit someone’s throat out or stab someone in the chest with little to no emotion shown. Things are starting to pick up and you’re cheering for your favorite apocalypse survivors again!
6. Nervous
Now that the episodes have picked up in content, people are being held at gunpoint, shot on sight and captured by whichever antagonist you’re experiencing in the show. Usually leaving you on cliffhangers, you never really know what’s going to happen to your favorite character(s).
7. Terrified
Okay… NOW you’re losing it. Someone has been shot, (hopefully not Carl) and you’re pretty much petrified because of how lost you feel. You’re so used to everything being fairly mapped out and predictable but of course AMC had to break your trust and ruin the next seven days of your life.
8. Relieved
People have died, walkers have been fed and the antagonist is on top of the world. How can you possibly be relieved by this you ask? Well, with the season finale coming to a close, everyone’s true colors are shown and regardless of what happened, the characters have developed and displayed great resilience throughout the season and you find hope in that.
9. Confused
You feel lost, you start asking yourself questions life, “why is this happening? How can they do this? Why must Robert Kirkman be so cruel?” With the overflow of disappointment, you must remain calm and save your freak-out for the season finale.
10. Upset
It’s over… The weeks couldn’t have flown by faster. Everything that could have possibly happened, happened. Time for the 6 months of deep thought predictions, loud arguments and explaining what happened last season to your mom who “watches” the show too. Keep your head up and binge watch all of the other great television dramas of today’s networks.