Everyone who loves baking knows these feelings all too well. Mixing things together while simultaneously trying to follow a recipe isn't as simple as it looks, but it's always fun.
1. That oddly satisfying feeling that comes from mixing together ingredients, like creaming together butter and sugar for chocolate chip cookies.
2. Promising yourself that you won't eat half the dough/batter once you start baking. Then there's that moment halfway through when you break your promise, and find yourself wondering how you came up a couple of baked goods short.
3. If you're ever in a bad mood, somehow the act of baking momentarily makes you forget about everything else.
4. You know all the measurements of your favorite recipes by heart, and have memorized the conversions of tablespoons to cups for sticks of butter.
5. Flour, sugar, and butter are always making the rotation on your grocery list.
6. The smell of vanilla will never get old for you, but you'll never forget when you first tried a taste of it only to realize it doesn't taste nearly as good as it smells.
7. The feeling you get when you first begin to smell the aroma of whatever you're baking coming from the oven. Unless its burning, then you start to panic.
8. Your family and friends are always complaining that you're making them gain weight with all of your baked goods.
9. Everyone is always in awe of how you made such and such. You smile and say thanks, but in reality you just mixed a bunch of ingredients together, threw it in the oven, and hoped for the best.
10. And after you've spent half the day baking, you know you'll no doubt end up covered in flour with at least a couple of burn marks from the oven. But everyone who loves baking knows that the best feeling of all is watching someone enjoy something delicious you baked.