When I googled the definition for college, it came up as an education institution or establishment. But, if you're currently a college student, like myself, it is so much more than that. Exams, papers and mediocre dining food are just a few aspects that truly define your experience as a college student.
Even though I haven't been in college for nearly long enough to form a well thought out opinion of what college means for my future, I have had many experiences so far that really define what being a college student means.
When we come home for breaks or just to visit your family, I can almost guarantee that someone you know will ask you the infamous question, "How's college?" But, if you're like me, you'll get a text from your parents every few days asking how your day was and just a general "How's it going?" And, almost always, the highlight of your day doesn't revolve around the important things that most adults talk about on the daily basis. But, hey, it's not like we can help it. We have to live up to the title of "Broke College Student" somehow.
So, in honor of Finals Week coming up and the constant stress that we are all going through, here are the top 10 best feelings that every college student has.