Being single in college can be a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is, your single in college. The bad thing is...
1. You are only in your prime once.
I’m already comparing myself to my eighteen-year-old, skinny, full of energy self that I wish I could go back to.
2. All the family questions at the holidays.
It’s bad enough that my mother is asking where my future hubby is because trust me, I’d like to meet him too. But then the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents start asking too, and it is not a fun conversation.
3. Where else are you going to get your XL t-shirts?
People would judge me if I bought XL t-shirts for myself, so obviously I have to get them somehow because what girl doesn’t love wearing an oversized t-shirt that you didn’t even have to pay for?
4. Never having a cuddle buddy.
Everyone loves to cuddle, and sometimes snuggling with my dog just doesn't cut it.
5. Comparing everyone to your ex.
I don't want to be wondering if I am every going to find someone better than my high school sweetheart.
6. Online dating.
If I had to guess, I’m not going to find my future hubby on Bumble or Tinder…but I don’t want to have to find him on either
7. Cute couple photos.
When I see my friends and their boyfriends on insta taking photos, I get jealous. I want to post instagram photos with a cute guy with a couple-y pose, and an annoying caption about how much I love my #mcm.
8. Doing the deed.
At what point do you know when it’s okay to do the whole sex thing with someone new? It’s an awkward thing to casually talk about, so it’s a waiting game to see when it’s going to happen.
9. Going home alone.
It’s girls night out and when you somehow lose them all, having to get an Uber alone is a scary thing. Then getting home and having no one to come home to except your dog is just a sad thing
10. Dying alone.
Who wants to be the single, bitter, old lady whose getting drunk at bingo on a Thursday night?