If you were born in the 90s you grew up with some pretty amazing fads. These fads were introduced to us through television. We all have that one thing growing up that we held near and dear to our hearts, but like all good things they eventually fade. I took some people born in the 90s and asked them what were some things that they missed from their childhood. Here are some of their answers.
1. Mullets: Eli, 1997
The mullet was the stuff of legends. It even had its own catchphrase, “Business in the front, party in the back." Made famous by one Billy Ray Cyrus and Uncle Jesse, we still see many others try to continue this fashion, but can’t bring back to save its life.
2. Tech Decks: Kate, 1996![]()
If you were bored, you knew you needed something to pass the time. If you have the finger skateboard you were the coolest kid in class. You learned tricks to do with your fingers that only Tony Hawk could dream of doing. But even though you try to master skills, it was still taken away by the teacher when it would hit the ground one too many times.
3. Magna Doodle: Lily, 1998
Your beginning stages of being an artist were started on the Magna Doodle. This gave you a sense of creativity without making a mess with markers and paint. This coolest thing you could do with this is to hover the board, and be able to still draw, and once your creation was finished you could erase it.
4. Easy Bake Oven: Kyla, 1998![]()
The culinary arts are begun at an early age. Seeing the commercial I remember thinking of all the endless possibilities you could make with this oven. Now looking back, I can see that none of the stuff came out how I wanted it to be, leaving me a stressful mess.
5. Waterbeds: Grace, 1995![]()
At one point or another, you have interacted with a waterbed. Being on this bed made you feel like you were on a boat and you were sailing the seas. Hopefully, you weren’t sick because you would end up feeling very sick.
6. Scrunchies: Rachel, 1994
Somewhere in your closet, there is a collection of these. Endless years of having your hair pulled into one of these. Once and a while you will go into the depths of your closet and pull a few out and relieve the glory days.
7. Tamagotchi: Victoria, 1992
This device came in handy when your parents told you that you couldn’t have a pet. This helped you prove your point that you were able to take care of an animal. Having someone that depended on you was a great responsibility in the eyes of a five-year-old. However, we all knew that our animals died because we forgot to feed them, and we were left with no pets.
8. Gameboy Color: Steven, 1990![]()
Having your own device instead of sharing it was amazing. You could get different games that made you fall in love with gaming. I remember playing Tetris on it and different arcade games. This gave you a sense of dependence and learned how to fix any problem by just blowing on the cartridge.
9. Furby: Joanne, 1991![]()
I don’t know who would want this creepy toy staring at you. The Furby was your very own watcher in the night. The worst part of having this toy was when it would go off at night without any warning.
10. BopIt!: Bri, 1997
This was one of the greatest and most frustrating games. I remember walking through the store and seeing it propped up on one of the aisles. The temptation was too much for me so I grabbed it and would listen to the voice telling me what to do. Before you know it, two hours have gone by and your mom has to use the intercom to get to you.