1. I am not lazy
For the love of God, I am not lazy. You truly need to understand and fully comprehend that, right now. If I was lazy, I would not be tired and therefore, I would not be taking a nap.
2. I don’t care what time it is
Since when does an unconscious person want to know what time it is? I am sleeping. If I needed to know the time, I would’ve set an alarm, or I just wouldn’t be sleeping. So please stop yelling up to me, “Hey, it’s 4 o’clock!” because I honestly do not care. (Sorry Dad)
3. I nap because it makes me feel refreshed
Taking that quick ten minute power up or that four hour cat nap, it refreshes my system. A grumpy tired me went in and now a happy and hyper me came out. Now that’s what some of you might want to consider. (Hint Hint)
4. For the time I'm napping, you don't need to deal with me
Think about this, it actually benefits you. Whether it is you sleeping or someone else, you don’t need to deal with them or entertain them as they snooze off. You get a break! As soon as my pretty eyes shut and until they reopen, I am a nonexistent factor in your life. (Calling Dad now to explain this theory to him.)
5. If you decide to wake me up from my nap, you're going to have to deal with an unhappy me
There is no reason why an unconscious person should bother you. Let me sleep. I am 19 years old, not young. I need every minute of shuteye I can get. Yet if you refuse to listen to this, you’re going to receive my wrath and trust me, it is not a pretty sight (just ask my boyfriend). You’ve been warned, and I promise you that I and every other napper on the face of this Earth, ESPECIALLY my own sisters, will wake up grumpier than when we went to sleep.
6. I’m a college student, napping is a chapter in my “How To Be A College Student 101” book
The first thing my RA told me in my freshman year was, “Naps are going to be your best friend”, he wasn’t lying. Being a college student, you’re being pulled a thousand different directions at once. You’re pulling all-nighters because you chose to participate in Wine Wednesday rather than write your term paper and hey, that’s okay. But there comes that free moment in your week and you know you can’t refuse it. So yes, I would lay my little head down and close my eyes for some time. Like any other repeated activity, this becomes a habit, even when you return home for break. So yes Mom and Dad, as a college student this is normal, I'm not sick. So just let me be please because “I’m tired.”
7. There are worst things I could be doing than napping
My personal napping time ranges from one to three hours. You know what I could be doing for one to three hours? The answer is worst things. Instead of going out and stealing candy from babies, I’m resting my body and recharging so I can continue on my day.
8. Never, ever question a napper
“Why are you napping?” “Why are you always tired?” “How long are you going to nap for?” The questions I have for you is, "why are you asking me?", "why are you questioning me?"
If you still feel the need to ask these questions, you are going to receive my prenap, grumpy attitude answers, forewarning. I am napping because I want to nap. The only time you can question a napper is if you’re asking to join, if not, walk away (Please).
9. Naps come at unexpected times
It’s raining, it’s pouring, you’re napping, you’re snoring, is a lie. Just because it’s raining does not mean it’s the only time you can take a nap. If you want to sleep at one in the afternoon then you sleep one afternoon! If you want to an appetizer of bed from six to seven o’clock at night, then you take that appetizer from six to seven o’clock at night. Don’t assume or think there’s a structured time for napping because they occur when least expected.
10. Be proud that you are a napper
Whether you believe it or not, napping is a skill. It’s hard for some people to ignore their responsibilities and realize you just need some time for yourself. Never, ever, be ashamed that you nap and realize the joke is one everyone else! Remember you’re the one all charged up for the party as everyone else begins to turn in at 1am.