In about a week, I will be starting my last first day of school ever. In about 270 days, I will be graduated from college...but who's counting? Me! I'm counting. I'm ready and I don't care what anyone says. I don't like to tell people that I'm about to graduate from college because they aren't that supportive. The majority of people like to bring me down and I am over it.
Here is what I really want to say to you, but can't because my mama raised me to be kind or something:
1. You're not going to grad school? I think you should re-think that decision.
Is this your way of offering to pay for my graduate schooling?
2. Life after college is so much responsibility. Enjoy this time.
Oh, good to know, because I don't have any responsibilities now. I'm not paying bills on my own or working and going to school.
3. You don't start out working your dream job.
I know you're right, but don't remind me.
4. So, what are your plans for after graduation?
*eye roll*
5. Well, what do you want to do?
I don't know, okay?
6. Let's figure out your future.
7. Good luck finding a job.
Let's not do this.
8. You should really save that money & put it toward paying off your loans.
I only wanted a taco. Let me live.
9. I bet you're so excited.
You could say that.
10. You should really think more about your post-grad life.
I appreciate all of your concern and advice, but I'm just trying to make it through these next two semesters without any meltdowns. I'm freaking out already because it's a big deal, so send words of encouragement and let all of your bosses know I'm hard working!