I'm taking a break from my usual articles about politics and such to write about something else I’m passionate about. Although I try not to come off as one, I’m definitely a romantic cheese ball at heart. During stressful times like exams when I’m feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, I find myself looking for anything to be grateful for. Luckily, I have a wonderful boyfriend which means I never have to look too far… So here are my top fifteen underrated relationship moments that never cease to make me say “awww”.
1. The Looks You Share
Sometimes in a relationship you can look at each other and you instantly know what’s on their mind. It always reminds me of how well he knows me, and how much he cares about what’s on my mind, even if the only thing I’m thinking is, “I’m SO hungry”.
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2. When They Point Out Things To You Just Because They Know You Like Them.
From horse trailers to Harry Potter memorabilia and anything purple, it always leaves me smiling when Collin spots things he knows I will appreciate.
3. Dancing and Singing in the Car
Hearing your significant other belt out T-Swift really shows you just how comfortable they are with you. When they’re willing to be completely embarrassing just for you, it’s very heart warming.
4. Sarcastic Banter
From the first day we met, we’ve never passed up an opportunity to be smart asses to each other which really helps us never take ourselves too seriously.
5. Sharing The Things You Love
It's so much fun freaking out over movies and music together. It makes topics about Captain America vs. Iron Man turn into full out debates and so much fun to discuss.
6. Being Silly
We're pretty weird, but that just makes our relationship so much more original. When we can make each other cry laughing, those are the moments we'll always remember.
7. Adventuring Together
Nature hikes, trips to the beach and riding roller coasters, making memories is probably our favorite thing to do.
8. Long drives and Long Talks
There's nothing I love more than sitting shotgun and listening to music while talking about anything and everything. Joking around is awesome, but deep talks are one of the best things about our relationship.
9. Cooking Together
Recently, we've decided we both want to start learning to cook. We have been having a fantastic time trying to cook together and even through some stressful "did I just ruin the whole meal by doing that" moments, it's been very funny and pretty successful over all.
10. All The Little Things
Sometimes he runs out in the rain just to get the car so I don't get wet, and sometimes he wakes up just to take me to the ER when he's already exhausted. It's those little things that just make my heart skip a beat and make me the most thankful for him.