1. Babies make you cringe, dogs make you smile.
Seriously, I could hear a baby cry and have this deep, somewhat hidden, urge to shout. When I see a dog, I just want to pet it and be it's friend.
2. You can tell your dog your deepest, darkest, secret, yet he will never tell anyone.
Dogs are like the best of friends. Even if they could talk, I doubt they would tell anyone your secrets, they're just loyal like that.
3. Your dog is always happy to see you.
No matter how long you're gone, your dog is always so happy when you get home.
4. You never have to worry about your dog breaking your heart or being untrustworthy.
Dogs are a commitment without the drama.
5. Your dog can't, and probably wouldn't anyway, talk back to you.
No talking = no sass.
6. Dogs are always down for food when you are.
Tacos? Dog is down. Ice cream? Dog is down. 2am trip to White Castle? Dog is totally down.
7. Commitment. Babies are an 18+ year commitment, dogs are like maybe 15, depending on their health and breed.
No need to worry about saving for a college fund!
8. Unconditional love.
No matter how late you come home, or what you do, or make them wear, your dog will still love you.
9. Reliable pillow, plus Instant personal heater.
When you have a dog, you don't need to worry about being cold. They will gladly keep your feet warm for you, plus you always will have an extra fuzzy and warm pillow laying around.
10. Free entertainment.
Dogs are hilarious. Embrace it.
(P.S. Here's a picture of my fur children)