Prepare yourself, it's almost turkey day!
1. Happiness
Thanksgiving is such a great time to enjoy good food and good company, making it a very joyful holiday. Everyone has their picks of favorite Thanksgiving foods and Thanksgiving day traditions, that you always look forward to indulging in. It's hard to not be excited for Thanksgiving in some capacity and to start remembering all the things you are grateful for.
2. Patience
Everyone can relate to waking up on Thanksgiving morning to all sorts of wonderful smells dissipating through your house or a family members house. All day long you have to wait and watch all sorts of delicious food being made and the anticipation just builds until it's finally time for Thanksgiving dinner.
3. Excitement
Food, football, friends, and family, so many things to be grateful and excited for. My favorite thing to be excited for on Thanksgiving is seeing my family and of course the pumpkin pie.
4. Thrill
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, so is Black Friday. The thrills of getting the best deals on Christmas presents will soon be present. And don't forget about Cyber Monday, so get ready to shop until you drop.
5. Thankfulness
Everyone has so many things to be thankful for and the holiday season helps us to celebrate all those reasons. I know sometimes everyone gets caught up in the craziness of life to remember all the blessings in their lives.
6. Relaxation
Thanksgiving break brings a time to enjoy yourself, relax, and just chill. After Thanksgiving dinner, break out the comfy pants and prop up your feet because it's relaxation time! You can read a book, review for upcoming finals, or just catch up with friends and family. Watching Thanksgiving night football is another must have thing to do. Also, it's a perfect time to put up holiday decorations if you haven't already done so.
7. Awkwardness
Everyone has that weird family member who is so pressed to ask about your life. "How's school," "Are you talking to anyone," and "How do your grades look" are all the dreaded questions that we all seem to get bombarded with during Thanksgiving break. As much as it sucks, you just have to push through all those awkward questions and come up with some creative answers that will suffice the curiously in friends and family.
8. Satisfaction
With your belly full of all sorts of yummy foods, Thanksgiving is definitely a satisfying holiday. You get a break from the craziness of school which means time to hang fun and enjoy all the great things you are thankful for.
9. Stress
After Thanksgiving comes Christmas and all the other holidays, which means you have to figure out your Christmas wish list like yesterday. This can be a stressful process but will ensure that you get some sweet presents this holiday season.
10. Christmas Spirit
I know that there is much debate over the proper protocol of when to celebrate certain holidays, but no one can debate that the second Thanksgiving is over, it is one hundred percent Christmas time. Get your ugly sweaters out, start hanging some tinsel, and singing Christmas carols because it's time to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and/or Kwanzaa.