Spring break is a time every college student cannot wait for. The weeks leading up to it feel like forever and then it's over and you're back to school in the blink of an eye.
1. Excitement
This is your last week of school before Spring Break, how could you not be excited to have a week off from school and not have to wake up at the crack of dawn and be able to stay out late and not have to worry about oversleeping the next morning?
2. Sadness
I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I’ll miss my friends that don’t live by me over Spring Break. Not getting to see them everyday is going to be tough.
3. Anticipation
Literally counting the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the first day of break.
4. Anxiety
That moment when you realize how much work you have to get done before you go on break.
5. Happiness
But then you remember you’ll get through all the work.
6. Fear
We all worry about that one test we took or that paper’s grade we didn’t get back yet and hope it wont ruin our break.
7. Nervousness
Thinking about the all work you’ll have when you get back to school.
8. Exhaustion
If we are being real, we are always exhausted, but the week before break just seems a little more tiring than all the rest.
9. Anger
You would be lying if you said you didn’t get angry at someone or something during this week.
10. Relief
Walking out of your last class and break has officially begun!
So go out enjoy your spring break, you deserve it!!