There are often times when something great happens in our lives, and we begin to feel as though things are finally going our way. Maybe you got an A on that test you were freaking out about. Maybe you scored the winning goal for your intramural soccer team. Maybe you even found the perfect pair of jeans that fit you just right. However, life often finds a way to take moments like these and balance them out with everyday, embarrassing occurrences. Right when we think we are floating on cloud nine, we are humbled almost instantly with events that remind us that—yes—we are all still human. Here are a few examples:
1. Coming home to realize you’ve had something in your teeth all day.
And the famous words from King Kuzco himself ring in your head as you think, "How long has that been there?" And why didn't anyone tell you? And the vow to never eat a poppy seed bagel ever again begins today.
2. Shouting out the wrong answer in class with confidence.
Maybe no one heard you. Everyone definitely did but maybe, just maybe, they didn't.
3. Stuttering when you give your coffee order.![]()
No matter how many times you've practiced, "Can I get one grande, non-fat, no- foam vanilla latte with an extra shot" in your head, it still always seems to come out of your mouth as, "Can I have one great, non-frip, vicious latte with extra soup."
4. Snorting when you laugh.![]()
It happens to the best of us. Even if we hold out nose closed, that endearing pig noise constantly finds away of escaping.
5. Drinking water and missing your mouth.
I have designated every first sip of my water bottle as a splash zone because for whatever reason, I always spill. It's a shame that I still haven't mastered this action I perform multiple times a day, every single day. I blame it on my bottle but, let's be real.
6. Saying something embarrassing in front of your crush.
They probably disregarded it 30 seconds after you said it, but it will haunt you for years.
7. Liking someone’s old pictures on Instagram.![]()
Curse the double tap feature.
8. Tripping over nothing and pretending it never happened.
If a person walking accidentally stumbles over their own feet, and no one was around to see it, did they actually trip?
9. Bombing a test you thought you slayed. ![]()
There are few things more disappointing than that moment your paper comes back covered in red ink.
10. Spitting when you talk.![]()
I can never tell if it's better to bring it up or keep talking and hope nobody saw.
As great as it is to feel that everything is going for you, I think our lives take personal responsibility to make sure we don't become too impressed with ourselves. However, it is nice to realize that these happen to us all, and each and every one of us is simply human.