10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy in College | The Odyssey Online
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10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy in College

The Freshman 15 is not a myth. Luckily staying healthy in college isn't hard to do either.

10 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy in College

Healthy is a way of life and college is the first time that most are solely deciding what they eat and how they live. It's also the best time to set up healthy habits for the rest of students' lives. 

There isn't one specific way to live well because every person is different, but this article can be helpful for those who aren't sure where to start. It won't be something that will happen overnight but little changes over time can really make a difference in your mental and physical health.

  1. Try new foods- I’m probably one of the pickiest eaters you will ever meet but coming to college I realized that I was now the only one in charge of my health. There was no one at home to make dinner for me and make sure I had a balanced diet. I was my own person now and decided what to eat. I decided to try new foods and found out that I like a lot more than I thought! Trying new foods gave me more options to stay healthy and even found my new favorite food (guacamole!!). 
  2. Explore the healthier options around campus- College campuses tend to offer much more unhealthy options than they do healthy ones. I know this can be a big pain for those with special diets but there are healthy foods out there. So avoid all of those microwaveable meals, no matter how convenient they may be, and go check out what the dining halls have to offer. 
  3. Find a workout buddy- This has been one of the most effective ways to get me into a routine to work out! Recently I decided I wanted to switch up my workout and found a friend who lifted so we started lifting together. This really helps motivate you to get to the gym and actually get a great workout in. You don’t even have to do the same thing but knowing that someone else is there with you is also a great feeling. 
  4. Avoid eating out-When you eat out you are willingly consuming lots of preservatives and chemicals that may be in the food. Fast food and restaurant food also tends to be more expense and they serve you way more than you actually need to eat. Instead stick to healthier, cheaper options at home. If you are worried that you don’t have enough time to actually sit down and make something make meals ahead of time at the beginning of the week so you know that there is always a meal ready when needed. 
  5. Sleep Sleep Sleep- Sleep is one of the most important and most forgotten components for being healthy. Those nights you go without sleep to cram for a midterm or final can actually affect your score and your health. So plan ahead and make a study schedule in order to make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night especially before exams. Getting enough sleep is just as important as anything else. Without sleep your immune system can’t fight infection as easily and you’re less likely to retain information without enough sleep. 
  6. Switch up your routine- When working out it can get boring and you’re less likely to be motivated to get regular exercise when bored. So switch up your routine! Ohio State offers free fitness classes to help switch it up. You can choose from yoga, TRX, cycling, and many others. Sometimes shaking things up is exactly what you need to stay motivated to keep getting a daily workout in.
  7. Avoid Eating When Not Actually Hungry- This is one that I really struggle with. Often times when I’m stressed all I want to do is eat. I’m not going to lie but before my first math midterm I stress ate an entire sleeve of Oreos. Not one of my finest moments for sure. I also noticed I just started eating when I’m bored as well. I’ll sit down and watch Netflix and next thing I knew I was destroying an entire bag of chips or candy. Finding better ways to handle stress and boredom is key. Once I got into yoga I noticed I began handling my stress better and avoided using food for comfort. Sometimes it’s best to take a break and pick up a healthy snack such as carrots or an apple instead. 
  8. Keep healthy food in your dorm instead of junk food- When you’re stuck in your dorm room studying you’ll often need a pick me up. Don’t keep unhealthy food at arms’ length. Instead stock fruits, veggies, or even hummus in the fridge so you’re not tempted to binge on an entire bag of barbecue chips or Tootsie Rolls. As some might say- out of sight, out of mind. Without the temptation of junk food you are less likely to just sit and eat it all the time. 
  9. Stay mentally healthy- College can be one of the most stressful times for young adults. Busy schedules, tests, and trying to keep grades up can get to you in no time. Remember to take a break once in a while and relax. Find something that will let you get your mind off studying or talk to somebody as needed. If you don’t feel that you are mentally healthy, please don’t be afraid to talk to someone. There are so many people on campus who only want the best for the students and are willing to help. Mental health should always come first and don’t be scared to get help if needed. 
  10. Focus on being HEALTHY not skinny- The title says it all. How to stay HEALTHY. Don’t focus on losing weight with all of this. Try to be the healthiest you can be. Eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise. Health is not a specific number that you need to get to, it’s a lifestyle and a good choice. 
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