The month of December is the most stressful time of the year for young adults. With finals, the holidays, and a winter break that typically consists of working full time, it is easy to find ourselves buried under a pile of stress. Here are ten simple ways to find peace this season.
1. Learn to say no
The holiday season is extremely busy, and people are going to ask you for a lot. Your friends will want to see you; your family will ask for favors; and you will want to do things for yourself. Figure out what is most important to you, and say no to anything that you don't think you can handle right now.
2. Limit your list
Your great Aunt Sally is not worried about whether or not you bought her a gift. The holidays are not about presents, although that's what it may seem like. Most people would rather spend genuine time with you than receive a gift that they didn't necessarily want or need. Unless you know for sure they'll LOVE it, gifts should be the least of your concerns.
3. Take time for yourself
Naps, movies, books. There is no better time for "me time" than the busiest time of the year. If nothing else, take 30 minutes to do something that you genuinely enjoy and that isn't for anyone but you.
4. Spend time with family and friends
After about the 3rd week in December, almost all college students are home on break. Your hometown friends will give anything to see you, so make time for them. Take a day off from work and go out to dinner with your friends. Spend your holidays with your family, even if just for an hour or two. They won't always be here, so take advantage of the time you do have with them.
5. Remember to eat and sleep
In the midst of all the craziness, you'll often find yourself skipping meals or trying to convince yourself that those Pop-Tarts have enough sugar to get you through the day. They don't. Your body literally cannot function without nutrients. Make it one of your top priorities to keep substantial food in your system. This is also the time of the year where you'll pretend your body doesn't need sleep. No, 5 cups of coffeeare not the same as a good night's sleep and no, you won't get an A on your final if you pull an all-nighter. Your mind is only able to fully retain information when it has the time to process it, and your brain finds that time during REM sleep. If you don't sleep, your mind is completely unable to process the information you're putting into it. Study in parts (try to study between 5 and 9 bits of information at a time) and try to sleep between sections.
6. Read a book
Yes, an entire book. Take a break from your world and make your way into someone else's.
7. Sing
Sing Christmas carols at the top of your lungs in a car full of your closest friends. Jam out in the shower. Sing to a baby. Singing releases endorphins and endorphins make people happy. Happy people sing.
8. Candles
Light a candle and read a book, take a bath, or binge watch a series on Netflix. I don't have any science for this one, but candles are just really calming.
9. Disconnect
For a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days. You'll be able to sleep better and you'll be able to focus on more important aspects of life than whether or not people are liking your latest Instagram picture. Head outdoors. Fresh air is good for the soul.
10. Laugh
Laugh a lot. Laugh at whatever you can. Look at memes. Google "very large dogs sitting on very tiny humans". Make someone else laugh. Laughter is contagious and is proven to reduce your blood pressure.