10 Easy Steps To Save The Earth
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10 Easy Steps To Save The Earth

"When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money."

10 Easy Steps To Save The Earth

Although the United States only makes up about 5% of the world’s population, we still consume an excessively disproportionate amount compared to any other country in the world. According to PlanetThoughts, the United States consumes and wastes 30% of Earth’s resources. Our garbage production has doubled in the last 30 years. A huge contribution to this growth is that 80% of U.S. products are used once and then thrown away.

Because many of us, myself included, are completely oblivious to the impact our choices have on the environment and our future, I’ve decided it’s time I educate myself on living a more sustainable life.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) defines Sustainability as “Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”

You can stereotype those sustainable people and their lifestyle as “tree hugging, hippie, wannabe-Amish,” but they actually have the right idea here. One person can make a difference, and one choice can make an impact. It takes a lot of dedication and commitment to live a fully sustainable life, but here are EASY steps I’m going to start taking and you should too.

1. Walking, Biking and Public Transit

If it’s in biking or walking distance and the weather's nice, why not ditch the fuel chugging automobile?

2. Buy Local Produce

It tastes better, looks better, is better for you, and is better for the environment. So next time you’re looking for fresh fruit and vegetables, take a stop to your local farmers market.

3. Volunteer or Join a Group

Explore your community's sustainability projects or join a sustainability group. Surrounding yourself with those other “tree hugger, hippie, wannabe-Amish” people will help you find new ideas, meet new people, and help the environment.

4. Say Goodbye to Plastic

Today 40% of the ocean’s surfaces can be found in billions of pounds of plastic and other waste. Stop buying plastic water bottles and buy your own reusable water bottles.

5. Eat Less Meat

The meat industry is one of the most environmentally destructive industries on the planet. It contributes large amounts of water, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and habitat destruction. I’m not telling anyone to stop eating meat, trust me I love eating meat myself, but doing meatless meals can make a huge difference.

6. Look at Labels

Although organic food is a little more money, it is better for you and the environment. It keeps harmful pesticides away from the land, water, workers, wildlife, and you. As well, buying Fair Trade certified goods when possible helps support companies that are dedicated to sustainable production who also pay laborers a fair wage.

7. Reduce Water Use

Every drop of water counts. Fix those leaky sinks and toilets, take shorter showers, and use reusable water bottles. Nobody likes showering in cold water, but washing your clothes in cold water helps reduce your water impact.

8. Unplug and Save Energy

Unplug ANYTHING you are not using. This includes your toasters, coffee makers, cell phone chargers, lamps, and the list goes on. Also, consider changing out your light bulbs to more energy efficient ones. LED light bulbs can use between 80-85% less energy than your typical lamp light bulb. You’re reducing your electric bill and your impact on the environment.

9. Get Fit and Skip the Elevator

Although going up those five flights of stairs might make you sweat a little, you’re going to be thankful in the long run. Not only are your legs going to look great, but you’re also helping the environment.

10. Stop Using Paper Towels

If you are in a bathroom that uses hand dryers, take the five extra seconds and don’t waste the paper towel. Use cloth napkins and towels to wipe up messes and to eat.

These 10 easy steps are ones we can all use that can make a huge difference. Just remember the choices we make today have an everlasting effect on our environment. If every person did one of these 10 easy steps it would make a huge difference

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