10 Dreams To Follow in 2017 | The Odyssey Online
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10 Dreams To Follow in 2017

No more failing resolutions; instead, here are 10 events, dreams, and opportunities I'm looking forward to in 2017!

10 Dreams To Follow in 2017
Ashley Cox

Hearing New Year's resolutions has become so boring to me that I could actually fall asleep listening to them and miss the Times Square Ball Drop altogether. Because of the high percentage of resolutions that tend to be forgotten or dumped merely days or weeks after the holiday in question, I decided to shed light on a slightly different subject: my Top 10 items that I am looking forward to in 2017! While some of these could be mistaken for resolutions, my hope is to frame these as exciting events or hopeful commitments that I am choosing to use in 2017 to further develop and grow into the person I want to become. In that vein, I would encourage any readers to look for the events or dreams they are looking forward to in 2017, not just New Year's resolutions.

1) Times Square Confetti Wishes

Watching my Times Square confetti piece flutter down in New York as the ball drops on New Year's Eve. On a recent trip to NYC, my friends and I came across booths where we were allowed to write messages on the confetti that will be used Saturday night! Mine reads, "Love you Mom and Dad! Here's to an amazing 2017! <3 ABC"

2) New Professional Avenues

Finding new jobs and work opportunities. For a long time I have been a swim coach, and while that is a passion incredibly close to my heart, I have long been desiring to pursue other positions relative to other strengths like writing, communications, social media, and possibly flying.

3) Starting the New Year the Write Way

Hand in hand with #2, I am looking forward to continuing to develop my writing portfolio throughout various media. I am also excited to continue working on the sci-fi book my mom and I are writing together!

4) More Travel Adventures

During 2016, I was fortunate to travel to Colorado twice, both for business at the USA Swimming/USA Olympic Training Center Headquarters, and to visit friends and family. I was also able to experience NYC for the first time! I'm already looking at possibilities for 2017, like returning to Los Angeles or Colorado Springs, or venturing on a new adventure!

5) Healthy Eating

During the majority of the year, I eat mainly gluten free and low carb items. I have found that with my metabolism and a possible sensitivity to gluten and caffeine, that following these categories of food items works pretty well for my body. Now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are over, I look forward to finding even more low carb, gluten free options to enjoy in 2017.

6) Did Someone Say "Action!"?

The nice thing about having flexibility with jobs at the moment is that I have the opportunity to pursue other non-traditional possibilities. A few years ago I was able to do background acting on "Sleepy Hollow" and The Longest Ride; it was a blast to see the industry from a different angle, and get paid well to do so! If you're ever interested in being an extra yourself, check out The Southern Casting Call.

7) Learning New Ropes

Learning something new. I'm not sure yet if it'll be a new language, or learning how to ski or how to fly. But I never get tired of learning!

8) "Live Long and Prosper"

The new Star Trek TV series on CBS. As you will find with #9 below, I am a fan not only of Star Trek, but also Star Wars. Both appeal to me in different ways, and have had incredible impact on how I view friendships, problems, and hope.

9) "May the Force Be With You"

Star Wars Episode VIII!! In the heartbreaking wake of Carrie Fisher's death, I will treasure her on-screen moments in Episode VIII, and continue paying homage to the incredible galaxy that she contributed to.

10) "Where Everybody Knows Your Name"

As always, I love spending time with my family. We often go on day-excursions, most often to air shows or new vineyards. But even on the days where we are relax in our pjs, bake scrumptious goodies, or veg out and watch TV, family quality time is always a necessity.

I hope you have a great (and safe) time welcoming the New Year on Saturday night. 2016 has been full of struggles and blessings, and I'm excited to see what 2017 has to offer too!

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