It's almost that time of year again! Returning college students start to become antsy at home and cannot wait to get back to their friends and the freedom that comes with being a college student. It is also almost that time of year when recent high school graduates start to pack up their childhood bedrooms and prepare to move away from their family and change just about every part of their lives. Three years ago, when I was in the shoes of a brand new college student, I was very nervous about leaving everything I knew in the past. I experienced so much just within my first few weeks of college and definitely made some mistakes within that time. Here is a list of do's and do not's I learned in the first few weeks of college!
1. DO: Look at the campus map and walk your route to classes before the first day
Doing this will save you so much time and stress on the first morning of classes. Knowing where you're going and exactly how to get there will be really helpful in ensuring you're not late to your first ever college class, especially on a big campus!
2. DO: Establish a routine
It is really important to make sure you are taking care of yourself amidst all the change surrounding you. If possible, make time to go to the gym, choose the healthier option at the dining hall once in a while, always do your skincare routine, and establish times that work for you every day to do all of this. Also remember, sleep is very important! All of this will make a huge difference!
3. DO: Get involved in as much as you can
DanceBlue is UK's 24 hour dance marathon to help fight against pediatric cancer. So much fun!
If you get involved in something you're not super passionate about, you can always leave that club or organization. But, if you do not get involved at all, you will never know what you could be missing out on!
4. DO: Create a budget for yourself
This is extremely important. Money disappears very quickly in college, especially if you are not watching how much you are spending and where it is going. My recommendation would be to attribute a certain amount to fun things, food, and other necessities, and hopefully, have a little cushion at the end for whatever else you may need. DO NOT blow through all your money in the first few weeks!!
5. DO: Look at your syllabus and write EVERYTHING down
Your planner is going to be your new best friend. College is not like high school in the way that professors do not always remind you when an assignment or paper is due, when there is an exam or quiz, or when credit of any kind is due. Save yourself a lot of stress by looking through the syllabus of all your classes in the first few weeks of school and writing down all the due dates and information you need to know.
6. DON'T: Wear your student ID on a lanyard around your neck
This screams "I am a freshman and I am new here." If you prefer to blend in with the sea of students walking around campus, skip the lanyard around your neck and put it in your backpack.
7. DON'T: Go to the library for social hour
While this is a lot of fun and it will probably happen no matter how much you try to avoid it, you do not want to be that table of freshman screaming throughout the library and disturbing everyone else. There are plenty of other places on campus to hang out with friends where other people are not trying to get their work done.
8. DON'T: Forget your headphones any time you leave your dorm
Walking around campus without headphones is intimidating. You will see most of the other students have their headphones in, and when you walk without them, the campus is weirdly quiet and the walk becomes much longer and much more boring. It is also helpful to have them with you in class just in case you need them or at the library in order to not get distracted!
9. DON'T: Forget about your parents, siblings, and friends back home
I would go crazy without spending time talking to my family!
While it is important to immerse yourself in your new life in order to enjoy it in the long run, spending time on the phone with your parents and keeping in touch with the people you left back home can be really good for you as well. It can calm you down, make you happy, and help you succeed in everything you're doing.
The first week of class is often known as syllabus week, and while that sounds like it might be boring or unnecessary, it is extremely important to make sure you are going to those classes and getting yourself familiar with your classrooms, professors, classmates, and the material you will be learning.
I hope these tips help you with your first few weeks of college! It can be a very stressful and awkward period of time, but as long as you stay organized and on top of your schedule, you will not only be fine, you will be setting yourself up to have one of the best years of your life. Good luck!!