You spend a lot of time getting from place to place, so here are some do’s and don’ts for your travel time.
1. Do: Listen to Music
We all know that car time means party time. When you’re all alone in your car, it’s the perfect excuse to sing at the top of your lungs; no matter how bad you are. So, make a playlist on iTunes or Spotify of your favorite songs!
2. Don't: Apply Your Makeup
Nearly 450,000 accidents occur due to women putting on their makeup while driving. Not only is it dangerous, but I am 100% sure that your makeup would look a lot better when you have good lighting and you aren’t driving 50 mph (Plus it’s illegal).
3. Do: Get Emotional
Being alone in your car is the best time to let all your feelings flow out. If you’ve been holding back tears, cry! If you’re mad, hit your steering wheel. Take the time to let your emotions out, then when you get out of the car move on. What happens in the car, stays in the car.
4. Don't: Hold Your Phone While Navigating
You have the best intentions when using Google Maps to get you from point A to Point B, but keep that phone out of your hand! Try this trick with a rubber band.
5. Do: Phone A Friend
If you have access to Bluetooth, call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Whether it be mom, dad, aunt, or friend, call someone just to say “Hey!”
6. Don't: Slip Into Auto Pilot Mode
When you get used to going back and forth from the same places, you miss opportunities to stop somewhere new! If you have the time, you might as well stop at the CVS and treat yourself to some chocolate and nail polish, or you can stop for lunch at a new restaurant. Doing something different in your day is fun!
7. Do: Bring A Friend
Two people are better than one! Take a friend with you to run errands or grab coffee. Car conversations are always the best.
8. Don't: Forget Your Blinker
Don’t be the person that is too distracted (or stupid) to not use their blinker. If you’re turning, use it. If you’re changing lanes, use it.
9. Do: Pray
Sometimes we forget to pray, and sometimes we fall asleep. Before you get out of your car, thank God for keeping you safe and ask him to bless your day.
10. Don't: Waste Your Time
The average human spends 37,935 hours driving a car.
It may seem like that time is going to waste, but it doesn’t have to! Some of
the best of memories are made in the car, and it’s up to you to make those
memories happen.