You know that list of things you need to do that you're never going to actually do until you have to? This list is unlike any other to-do list because it continues to get longer, but never shortens. I typically have lists for my lists, but there are just some things that will never get done because we just hate to do them. I would much rather study for a test or write a paper for a history class than even begin to think about the To-Do-but-don't-want-to-do list.
1. Dust under the furniture.
This usually involves moving the furniture around and that's a lot of effort. No, thank you.
2. Cleaning the corners on all the steps.
Why dust bunnies gather here, I couldn't tell you. But it's a pain to try and balance on each step while trying to dust those hard-to-reach corners.
3. Organizing the garage.
This is some people's dumping place, while others keep it very organized. I don't like the garage because there are bugs.
4. Clean the trashcan.
This seems like a weird one, but when you have to take the trash out every week and the horrid smell that hits you in the face as you open the lid as little as possible. Nobody wants to wash the trashcan, so that smell is only going to get worse.
5. Clean out bookshelves.
I always find myself looking through yearbooks I forgot I had or rereading a chapter from my favorite childhood story. And before you know it, an entire hour has gone by and it's time to cook dinner. Oh well, you tried.
6. The pen drawer.
I think everyone has a pen drawer in their house, somewhere where everyone can grab a pen on the way out the door. But it's amazing how many things get thrown in here.
7. The junk drawer.
Sometimes this goes with the pen drawer or it's a completely separate drawer all together. Either way, weird things migrate here and it's best to just close it and pretend like it's not there.
8. The random coat closet you always forget exists.
There's that random door that nobody ever opens. Sometimes it contains coats and jackets that haven't been worn in years. Others contain Christmas decorations or cleaning supplies. Or it's just a junk closet that never gets opened. Ever.
9. Your keyboard or your laptop.
A lot of the times, we overlook our computer keyboards. Believe it or not, there is actually cleaning supplies sold for keyboards! You use the keyboard all day long so the build up of dirt and food and germs is kind of horrifying to think about.
10. Under your seat in your car.
Just sweep the crumbs under, they'll go away eventually. Right?