The spring semester is coming to an end and finals are a lot closer than they appear. To keep spirits up and anxiety levels low, I thought I would compile a few puppy gifs that always serve to lift my mood. This is completely inspired by the puppy I cuddled a few days ago. She was two months old and a golden ball of soft fur - she truly cleansed my skin and raised my GPA, and I hope this post does roughly the equivalent for you too!
1. This adorable bean
2. The cutest wink I've ever seen
3. This dog just doing its best
4. A good representation of my motivation levels for April
5. This pimpin' pup will bless you with increased finances
6. Racing towards summer like
7. But first we need to rock finals and not get wrapped up in test anxiety
8. This puppy did not succeed and sometimes that's okay. Remember to be kind to yourself and get back up again!
9. Bad day? Here's a bucket full of puppies
10. Spend time with some friends to destress, a little bit of healthy interaction never hurt anybody!
Remember to keep up with your mental well-being as well as your studies as you gear up for finals season. Take breaks while studying during dead week and treat yourself every once in a while to avoid burning out. Stray strong, it's the final stretch!