Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Sometimes it is hard to come up with something to get for your significant other, especially if you are trying to stay on a budget. Here is a compilation of a few easy DIY gift ideas that are easy on the wallet, but are sure to be grand in meaning.
1. Open When... Letters
Open When letters are amazing for any holiday or anniversary. They are easier to make than you think and they carry a lot of meaning. If you haven't heard of this before, you just write letters about certain times in your relationship. For example, open when we have a fight, open when you miss me, or open when you need to know how much you mean to me. It's a very personal gift that just keeps on giving.
2. Date Idea Jar
Lets be honest: it is extremely difficult to think of new fun date ideas every week. You tend to do the exact same thing over and over again because it is comfortable and familiar and you don't have to think about it. Making a date jar is great; all you need is some Popsicle sticks or paper and a jar. Write down as many date ideas that you can think of, use google to think of things outside the box, so the next time you are wondering what you should do, you just grab a stick or slip.
3. Relationship Letters
Similar to the open when letters, but this one requires more planning. There are certain points in your relationship that you really just want to remember those days forever. Writing letters about your feelings during certain moments for the other person makes a very easy and meaningful gift. Write about those milestones and how much they mean to you. It'll mean even more to your significant other.
4. Jar of Reasons
All you need are several scraps of paper and a jar to make this gift. Think of all of the reasons you love them and place them in the jar. This can also be done with card stock, a deck of cards, a scrapbook, and basically anything else you can imagine. Definitely a very easy and quick gift to make that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
5. Dinner In
What better way to save money than to have a nice dinner in? Plus, you get to show off a little with your cooking skills. Set up the table with candles and get all fancy for a dinner in.
6. Valentine's Lottery Ticket
This is super easy to make and so much fun. All you need is some dish soap, paint, and creativity! You can make it over what you like about them, rewards they get, basically anything. Cover them up with a mixture of paint and soap and later you will have a scratch off ticket! (
7. Relationship Coupons
Type up a few coupons for your significant other on what they receive. Things like a coupon for a back massage or a night without a certain chore. Simple things that keep on giving after the holiday.
8. Baked Goods
I'm pretty sure anyone can vouch that a fantastic gift is something homemade and from the kitchen. Make them their favorite dessert and make it into a heart shape or with red sprinkles or icing. Another easy and simple gift to make.
9. Gift Basket
Making little mini gift baskets are by far my favorite thing to do. I include their favorite candy, snack, gum, drink, music, cards, etc. It doesn't have to be some elaborate basket. Just something small that let's them know you are thinking about them.
10. Fortune Cookies
Using some paper and creativity, you can create adorable little fortune cookies. Type out a message of any kind and follow these instructions ( to make your own. It is such a unique gift that may take a little more time, but is sure to impress.