As a child, every chance I got in front of the television would be spent with a Disney movie on the screen. They made us cry, jump for joy, and laugh like crazy. However there were always those jokes where we laughed with our parents just because they laughed. When rewetting these Disney movies (let's admit we all do it) there are so many jokes that flew straight over my head as a kid. To honor ten of Disney princesses, here are ten jokes that not only flew over my head, but yours as well.
1. The flashing lights in Cars.
Oh, yes. Disney went there. We all know what those crazy NASCAR fans can do and apparently so does Lightning McQueen. Ka'Chow.
2. When Mushu meets Mulan, there was more than "A Girl Worth Fighting For."
Looks like the lucky cricket didn't work for favorite little dragon.
3. Genie's jokes in Aladdin were kind of a hit-or-miss.
I know, I know. I might sound crazy saying that, but there multiple jokes of his that I truly did not get at the time. Robin Williams was such an amazing voice actor there was no surprise that Disney hired him on. With that being said, he inserted so many old celebrity references that I sometimes still don't get. These references include Ed Sullivan and even one from Jack Nicholson that you might not recognize.
4. When Kristoff's sleigh burst into flames.
This slight joke didn't go unnoticed for some of the older audience members – aka me and my friends that went and saw it opening week. Yet, for those young kids this spot is for them.
5. Mr. Potato Head decided to use his own form of sign language.
I think we all know what Mr. Potato Head is insinuating here. Naughty, naughty...
6. Frolo's song in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."
Did no one realize that he was supposed to be a priest? Cool, me neither.
7. When Kuzco analyzes the girls for his palace.
Yeah, never really caught this until the fourth time watching is...
8. In the live action "101 Dalmatians" Cruella De Vil calls Roger and his wife's baby an accident.
This kind of says it all.
9. Back to "Emperor's New Groove," Kronk decides to show off his Boy Scout skills.
Well, wonder what's under that tiny little tent there...
10. The bus driver in "Hocus Pocus" was extra friendly.
You might not think it's a problem Mr. Bus Driver, but its still pretty funny.