Spring semester is nobody's favorite. You're just waiting for Summer--for a chance to be with all your old friends. You want to go home and relax, not worry about grades or homework or other responsibilities. Here things that define your Spring semester:
1. You’re so close to being done with school, you physically have the hardest time going from week to week without losing your mind.
2. You’ve convinced yourself you’re doing so good in school that you forget you must do the assigned work.
3. The time change makes you think you still have time before that assignment is due until you look at the clock and it says seven, then you look outside and the sun says it’s four.
4. You have the hardest time focusing on studying or anything else you should be doing.
5. You don’t even have energy to take a nap. That says a lot because the majority of your life used to be naps.
6. Somehow a noon class feels like an eight-a.m. class and you don’t understand how those who actually take an eight o’clock class do it. You can barely get up for a noon class.
7. You know next year is going to be better but you aren’t there yet. You still have a little over a month to go.
8. You’re tired of doing the same thing that your days just seem to run together, and your weekends barely even exist.
9. Skipping days of class, not a class here or there but days, sounds so appealing, but you also don’t want to flunk out of college, so you should go.
10. You have a calendar that marks down the weeks until you finally get that summer break.
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