College is about to start back up, and you're so excited to be back with your friends and to start classes. But, you know your professor can make or break whatever class you may take. Here are different types of professors that we all have had:
1. The Chill Professor.
This is the professor that will only keep you 15-20 minutes on the first day. They won't assign anything on the first day and are very laid back. Everybody loves them, and most of the time you will get out of class early.
2. The Strict Professor.
This is the professor that will kick you out if you show up one minute late, won't accept any type of excuse, and will be picky about food, drink, and cell phones in the classroom. This professor will often deduct points from your grade if they feel you're breaking their rules.
3. The Harsh Grader.
Despite how chill or strict this professor may be, they are extremely nitpicky with your essays or assignments, and it may become difficult for you to achieve a high-grade in that class.
4. The Heavy Homework Load Professor.
This is the professor that will literally assign an essay on the first day of classes, sometimes even expect you to have an essay complete by the first day of class.
5. Online Professor.
You never really get to know them because their this mysterious figure online. You can only hope for the best that they are a nice person and that your online class will go smoothly.
6. The Exams Are 15 Times Harder Professor.
The homework and material of this class seems easy to you and you studied your ass off for this upcoming test and are confident you're going to nail it. Then, you open up your exam to find that you don't even know the first question.
7. Friendly Professor.
This is the professor that will seem almost like a friend to you. They will reach out to you when they know you're struggling, and you are totally comfortable visiting them during office hours.
8. Wise Professor.
This professor is typically and older man or woman, and they are brilliant when it comes to their field of study. There's always that one student that tries to challenge this professor, but your professor will always will that battle.
9. Nutty Professor.
This professor won't have their head screwed on straight and they are all over the place. Sometimes you question if they really know and understand what they are lecturing.
10. The Talker.
This professor will keep you overtime because they can't stop talking and don't know when to find good stopping places. They will frustrate you because they will make you late to your next class and you won't even be listening to them because all you can think about is getting out of there.