You never know who is going to be teaching you when you walk into class on the first day of the semester. And a lot of the time, you're pretty surprised to see who that professor is. Professors come in all shapes and sizes, but they're all here for the same reason: to help us graduate. Here are the 10 different types of professors you will have in college:
1. The wise grandfather.
You're not really sure if he has any family or friends, but he has a lot of knowledge. He stands in front and lectures at you the whole time about things that don't have anything to do with the course. He has grey hair, and his voice is so monotone it could put you to sleep. He's probably your history or anthropology professor.
2. The young and hot one.
These are the best ones. They're not much older than you are and they are insanely attractive. They're usually not too hard on the class and you don't have to worry about attendance, because it's the only class you actually want to go to, because who doesn't love eye candy?
3. The one who thinks they're teaching middle schoolers.
They're the ones who put the agenda on the board before you get to class, puts their powerpoints and lectures online, and always gives you a study guide before each test. They also like to call on people randomly.
4. The graduate student.
They follow the course by the exact curriculum, and there are never any changes to the syllabus. It's hard to treat someone as your superior when they're the same age as you.
5. The unorganized one.
These are the professors of courses that always get a few weeks off track from the syllabus. They always come into class with a new lesson that they just felt like teaching for no reason. The tests have questions on them about things that you absolutely did not cover in class.
6. The soccer mom.
She finds a way to wedge in a story about her kids for every slide during her lecture. She drives a mini-van and looks like she could make a mean lasagna.
7. The one who couldn't care less.
Attendance isn't required, they never give pop quizzes, and they always put a huge curve on the tests. They don't want to be there just as much as you
8. The one who can't use technology.
They take three weeks to email you back and can't figure out how to put anything on Blackboard. They also usually tell you not to use laptops in class, probably because they are intimidated.
9. The one who tries to be funny.
There is a joke cracked at the end of every phrase that nobody laughs at. They say something they think is funny, then wait for laughter, and it never happens. 25% of the class period is spent with them awkwardly laughing at their own jokes.
10. The one you can't understand.
This is inevitable. You will have many of these during your college career. They are either from Asia or Africa, and their accent is so thick you can't understand a single word. You have to ask the person next to you what they said about 30 times per class.