Some prominent holidays happen during the month of October, like Columbus Day, Oktoberfest, and Halloween, but what about the other 28 days? Where are their holidays? Fear not, for there are 63 holidays and special events that take place. To rattle off a few, there’s Name Your Car Day on October 4th, Do Something Nice Day on October 5th, and Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day on October 11th. This article is dedicated to giving a shoutout to the other, less known, yet still exciting holidays. I see you, Leif Erikson Day. I see you.
October 2nd: Name Your Car Day
This is a very important day, in my opinion, because every car needs a name. Your car is loyal and special, and it takes you to and from places. No questions asked. When you want to go on a Ben & Jerry’s binge at 11:30 at night, who takes you to the store? Your car. When you really, really need a coffee, who takes you? Your car. When you need to pick up your best friend from the airport, who takes you? Your car! So please, show it some love and give it a name.
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October 5th: Do Something Nice Day
This day should be every day, but the fact there is a specific day of the year dedicated to being nice speaks volumes. Hold the door open for someone, pay for the next person’s coffee, and smile a little more. It doesn’t take much to be nice or to make someone’s day.
October 9th: Leif Erikson Day
For all of the non-History buffs out there, Lief Erikson was an 11th century Norse explorer who some believe discovered the Americas before Christopher Columbus in 1492. He was a pretty important fellow. At least Spongebob seemed to think so.
October 11th: Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day
Admit it, you still sleep with a teddy bear, which is completely and totally acceptable. They made us feel safe as children, and sometimes, we need a little extra courage to give a presentation or speak up for ourselves. Own it and show off your snuggly friend at work. This day is like bring your child to work day, but better.
October 12th: Moment of Frustration Day
Thank God for this day. We all deserve to be a little frustrated now and then, so take a moment to express your frustration via angry letter or shouting at the commercials between your favorite show. Just let it out. Everything is going to be alright.
October 14th: National Dessert Day
Be a rebel and crawl inside the dessert display at the bakery. There shall be no judgement on this day. You want to eat 37 double chocolate cookies? Do it. An entire cheesecake? Go for it. Have a second helping. Of everything. Have thirds. And fourths. Calories and diabetes simple don’t exist on this day.
October 19th: Evaluate Your Life Day
I do this everyday, usually in the shower. I wait for some sort of revelation or epiphany to occur that will result in me figuring out the meaning of life. Still waiting… But hey, October 19th could finally be the day. Really take some time during this day to think about what you want (and also what in the world you were thinking on October 14th).
October 21st: National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
Why don’t you get yourself a pumpkin spice latte while you’re at it? And a mini-pumpkin. And a larger pumpkin for carving. And some cinnamon and nutmeg to garnish the cheesecake you will be consuming. Throw some leaves up and take cute pictures. Embrace Fall and all its beauties. Petition to rename this day to “Celebrate Fall Day,” because “National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day” is way too narrow.
October 27th: National Tell a Story Day
Humans convey their lives to others through telling stories. It is that simple. Whether we are standing in line for our pumpkin spice latte, out to dinner, or shopping with a friend, we all have stories to tell. We highlight and exaggerate major events while simultaneously skipping over all the unimportant stuff. Tell someone a story, but also make sure to listen to other people’s stories as well. Just remember that no good story starts with, “So one time I was eating a salad…”
October 31st: Increase Your Psychic Powers Day
Besides Halloween, trick-or-treating, and carving pumpkins, this day is dedicated to increasing your psychic powers. Maybe try telepathically communicating to your best friend how much you miss her, levitating one of your pets, or looking into the future to see what’s REALLY going to be on that exam next week. Warning: Results may vary.
Please celebrate these at your own risk.