With studying, homework, essays and etc for classes, dates with your significant other may not be something that y'all go on often.Here are some date ideas though that don't really cost much!
1. You can never go wrong with a classic coffee date (and no, I don't mean a Starbucks date) I mean actually going to a coffee shop and enjoying each other's company.
2. Why not go on a nice stroll through the park, if you're lucky, you can also feed some ducks.
3. If you're fortunate enough, go out on a beach date and just enjoy the water with your date and take some of those, sometimes annoying, couple's pictures!
4. Go to the zoo! If the zoo allows it, feed some of the animals there!
5. Go to a drive-in movie!
6. Well, since you and your significant other are probably both in college, have a study date! Nothing shows how much you support and care for your boyfriend/girlfriend more than helping them get their study on!
7. Have a picnic date! It doesn't have to be anything too fancy, just be sure to get her a flower or two!
8. If school isn't too busy at the time, go on a little cruise around town and just talk, laugh, and enjoy the night with your date!
9. Have a movie date! You don't even have to go out to the movie theater, you can just stay in with your date and have a movie marathon!
10. Lastly, although some people may not admit to it, go to some sort of fast food place and eat inside. Yeah, it isn't fancy or anything but it's the thought that counts right? Of course don't do this one on any of the first few dates (hence why it's number 10 on the list)