We've all had those bad days that seem to consume us and swallow us whole. It's not fun, especially if those days turn into weeks or months. Here's a few things we all need to remind ourselves of every single day.
1. You are so loved.
This one can be so easy to forget. Especially when you are so caught up in your daily routine, studying, and stress of your week. Know that everyone you meet has been presented with your joy. If you don't hear it enough, I'm telling you now; you are loved way more than you know.
2. It's okay to cry and it's okay to be sad.
It's okay to not be okay sometimes. We are all human, and our bodies allow us to produce tears for a reason. Let it out! Cry it out and be sad, but know everything will be okay in the end, you just have to get there.
3. No one can replace you.
There is no other you on this planet. How cool is that? You are you for a reason, and you are one heck of an amazing human being. Remind yourself that you are you, and no one else can be you but you!
4. The bad things, they won't last forever.
We all have bad days, maybe even bad weeks, but that doesn't mean that good ones don't exist. Everyone has these. We get lost, get caught up and get stressed too easily. Someone out there may be having the best day of their life; it's their wedding, a child is being born or it's their 50th birthday. There are good days out there! Remind yourself that.
5. Appreciate more.
Like I've said, it's so easy to stop paying attention to the world around you, but lately I feel we've been taking too much for granted. Go outside and tell yourself how beautiful it is to be able to breathe the fresh air. Go hiking to a mountain close by, because you can. Don't take things for granted.
6. It's okay to say no.
This one can be so difficult, especially for selfless people. It's so hard to say no to activities, friends, and events that you may want to go to. Saying no, you feel you'd be letting somebody down, but know that it's okay! We all know how it feels to be stressed and need some me time. Don't be afraid to tell people no for your own self!
7. Nothing and no one is perfect.
Sometimes people make it seem that way, (especially with social media now a days) but it's not true. We all have our moments, and we all have our so called demons we have to handle. Not even the world is perfect, but that's what makes it so beautiful. Just like the world, we constantly change and it's okay to do so. Know that perfection is just a concept, not a reality. Embrace your imperfections, they make you who you are.
8. You can do anything.
If you set your mind to it, you can. Believe you can and make a powerful incentive to do so. We are meant for so much more than we think. You want to be a doctor? Do it! You are more brave, intelligent and amazing than you think you are.
9. We all make mistakes.
Plain and simple. Sometimes it's as easy as forgetting a pen to class. Maybe you were supposed to go left, but instead you went right. That's okay! Know that everything will turn out okay in the end. You will always end up where you are supposed to be. We are meant to make mistakes. It's how we learn.
10. You are so beautiful.
Can be a difficult one right? We look into a mirror everyday. It can be hard to look for so long and not pick apart every detail about yourself. When that happens, close your eyes, take a deep breath and remind yourself that the things you may see that you hate, others may love about you.