Having a rough week already? Miss your Dad? Luckily, there's always Dad jokes to make life just a little better. Special credit to @dadtellsjokes on twitter for the constant shamefully funny Dad jokes
1. Son: "What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasabi"
2. Dad: "Are you today's date because you're 17/10"
3. Dad: "Murphy's law states anything that can go wrong will go wrong, but have you heard of Cole's law? It's finely sliced cabbage"
4. Dad: "Are you a geologist? Because you rock"
5. Dad: "What did the almond say to the peanut before they fought? Cashew ousside how bout dat."
6. Dad: "I got diagnosed with color blindness the other day. It really came out of the purple"7. Dad: "What do you call a bear with no ears? B"
8. Dad: "My sister wants to cry. I have a crisis."
9. Dad: "Why don't some couples go to the gym? Because some relationships don't work out."
10. Dad: "I once tied all my watches into a belt, but then I realized it was a waist of time"
xoxo Dad jokes ARE funny