Animals are great. They're cute, funny, some are small, some are big, some are scary, some are sweet. They come in all shapes and sizes. Here's a comprehensive list of the cutest animals on the planet.
1. Koalas
Koalas are great. I mean look at those big, fluffy ears. They look like cuddly little gray fluffs.
2. Otters
They hold hands while they sleep. That is all.
3. Sloths
I mean, look at the tongue. Plus they're slow and they grow plants. Face it, they're cuter than you'll ever be.
4. Bunnies
They have wiggly noses, big ears,and cotton ball tails. What could possibly be cuter?
5. Pandas
Pandas are great. Accept it. They're adorable.
6. Manatees
Fat + rubbery + sweet = adorableness
7. Dogs
Man's best friend couldn't get any cuter. Plus you can dress them up. What more do you need?
8. Hedgehogs
I'm weeping. Hedgehogs are pure and beautiful.
9. Elephants
Elephants are loyal, caring, and family oriented. They also have huge ears and they just want to love you.
10. Ducks
Ducks make by far the cutest noise. I mean quacks just melt your heart. And baby ducks...well don't even get me started on those.